Redes's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

SweetPotato Global Rules


- This TOS applies to anyone who buy my design or having one!


When owning my design-


- Resale, but please don’t sale them for more than what you have bought them for, unless they come with extra art /commission art. This is also applies to free design, since you have obtained them for free, meaning their original value is $0, you may only sale them if they come with extra art or commission art( art can also be yours, not neccesarily by others,I know I can’t control everything).

( but pls also refrain from doing sth like “ the character value is $15 , you drew them a messy sketch and their value immedietely jump to $300” , that’s kinda insane you know)

-Trading/gifting  my designs in any ways is allowed!

- You may also change, redesign my design as much as you want, give them other forms,..etc, but please, don’t change them to much they become unrecognizable ,if you want to change them completely , why did you even buy them?


- Posting the original design anywhere else without credit!  I allow my art to be reposted , but please always credit me on my social medias! Please don’t just say “credit to the artist“ or sth like that, credit my username! 

- Stealing or heavily inspired my designs is prohibited and if someone catch you doing so, you will be blacklisted!

- Tracing over my designs or my art is NOT OK, please never do that! However, small edit the main image of a design or art is OK (hue, color edit for example) this only apply if you own the design by me or it’s a commisson art you bought from me , just please don’t make so many edits on the image, if you’re unsure if anything is not allowed, just DM me.

-Turning my one-off design to a closed/open/semi open species

-Using my designs for commercial use! Meaning you making profit from my designs, like selling merch or sth like that. However you can still use drawing of my design ( drawing made by you) as an example for your commission (YCH as an example)


If the design is belonged to a ‘species’ then you should follow the species’s TOS



-I always accept payment in USD(paypal), In other occasions, maybe art or character trade.

- I always accept payment before transfering my design to you.

- payment should always be sent in 24h after claiming, winning.

- I will only do hold if the payment is over $200, I’ll only accept hold for a week or 2 weeks maximum, If you failed to pay before the deadline of a week, you will receive a strike. ( 3 strikes and you will be blacklisted by me)

- PLEASE don’t back out from buying my design unless you have a resonable excuse for that! A resonable excuse is NOT because you’re “bored” or “ bid for fun and not intended to buy”, If you do so, you will also be warned ( max 3 times) , if you continue to do such things despite being warned, you will be blacklisted.

- NO refund for adopt, designs you bought from me! I will not solving anything regarding asking for refund of already existing designs of mine!  ( the only case I will refund is when it comes to a commission that I’m unable to finish) 


TOS regarding commission will be updated later
