Quailwing [Quail]



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Quailwing, formerly Quail
Rank: Warrior of Sunclan, formerly Kittypet of the Greenleaf Twolegplace
Gender: Male

Since he was known simply as Quail, Quailwing had always been intrigued by mystical tales of feral cats in the forest, wondering what it must be like living out there under the sun and stars. Day by day, he would sit before the glass, pining for a life outside the four walls of his Twolegsplace. Starclan must have heard his prayers, for the blessing of an ajar door granted his escape, not once turning back as he bolted for the undergrowth. It was not an easy task blending in, for when he first joined the clan he was nonetheless a delicate and dainty kittypet. Accustomed to shelter and warmth, away from the unforgiving weather, processed food and kibble, free of blood and innards, it was definitely difficult to say the least. Yet, one thing that sets Quailwing apart from other kittypets is his unwavering perseverance. He endured and persisted, persisted and endured, and soon he assimilated, becoming one of the many.