


4 years, 5 months ago


The founder and current CEO of the interuniversal corporation Synthax.

The "protogen" money bag consists of two independant units with the designations Unit 1 A and -B, which use the callsigns "Alpha" and "Prime" in internal documents and the names "Itzahac" and "Magnus" when attending meetings with partners and people outside of the corporation. Despite residing in two bodies, the Units share a collective memory that is updated in real time via usage of a quantum-entangled electron communicator, one of few that exists, as the technology is not generally known within and outside of Snthax Corp or is viewed as highly experiemental, having been developed by a very small circle of now leading members of the Corporation, part of which were Biological Failure and Starlight Raiser. While the two Protogens have a connected memory, they still possess individual personalities, enabling them to split tasks and engange in the sections of administration they fit in the best. In accordance to their character, Unit 1-A controls the finances and internal communication of the organization, rarely showing themselves at the corporations sites and even less in public, meeting potential partners and future senior personnel usually  in their own, isolated and secure base.
Unit 1-B on the other hand manages the employment programs and visites offices and laboratories to inspect the structures of the company, which, in combination to their rather large appearance, leads to them being generally well known and deemed as "the CEO", or the right hand of them amongst the staff.
Both Units share a brightly golden coloration with varying symbols of currencies displaying on their screens. "Magnus", knowing their role as symbol of public representation of leadership for the company keeps their fur well cleaned and short, save for their neck-fur, which they cultivate similarily to a large beard. Itzahac does not value their outer appearance as much and has been known to only care for it before official events or meetings with partners that required them to attend it physicly or per videochat. The two units vary greatly in height and proportions, with -A being around 150 centimeters (5 feet) and sleek, thin build, while -B has a height of almost 2,10 meters or nearly 6,9 feet and looking slightly chubby, although this is not an indicator of a voluptous lifestyle and more a design choice. Apart from the entanglement-communicator device, the two units feature a variety of bio-technological enhancements to facilitate communication with different species, on long ranges or with on-board systems of vehicles, as well as a number of defensive mechanisms, in case a dissatisfied partner or criminal decided to attend to violent meassures against them.