Xiang Mi





Name Xiang Mi
Pronunciation She-ahng Mee
Height 5'5"
Gender Female
Nationality Fire Nation
Hometown Hira'a
Faceclaim Eri Kamei

Fighting Style: Northern Xiaolin inspired martial arts;
Inspired by firebending, even while not being able to bend it herself;
Eventually proper Airbending techniques


  • Learning
  • Lilies
  • Warm Weather


  • Surprises
  • Perfume
  • Swimming


Xiang Mi was born to a nonbender family of a mother and father in the small Fire Nation village of Hira'a. From a young age, she was well educated in not just Fire Nation customs, but also the heritages of the many peoples from all over the world. Her family often attended the local theatre, seeing the plays and circuses that toured to her region.

Her bringing up put dreams in her mind. These dreams were to travel the world, seeing the places she had grown up learning about with her own eyes.

When she was old enough, she packed up her most treasured belongings, camping supplies, and all the clothes and food she could carry. With heartfelt goodbyes from supporting but hesitant parents, Xiang Mi started her life as a nomad. Her first stop on her soul-searching adventure: the Western Air Temple.

To support herself, Xiang Mi learned various skills and developed a knack for being a "jack of all trades," preforming many odd jobs to help herself along her journey. On the hardest of times, she resorted to pickpocketing or offering her assistance to several "underground" groups to make ends meet.

From the moment she reached the Western Air Temple (after stowing away on a cargo ship), where she stayed for weeks, observing and embracing the culture of the Air Acolytes who had restored the temple to all the glory it had before the war, she was hooked on exploring the world.

Since then, Xiang Mi has seen much more of the world. She has covered nearly all of her home of the Fire Nation, having returned often to visit her family. The biggest places she has yet to reach, though, are both the Nothern and Southern Water Tribes. She hesitates because they are the furthest extremes of the world, and she also fears how well she, having grown up on the equator, would handle the extreme cold.

171 AG

Currently, Xiang Mi is in the Earth Kingdom, nearly to the capital of the United Republic of Nations, Republic City. The reason for this visit to the hustle and bustle of the city: she's has suddenly found herself with the ability to airbend.

One morning, to her disbelief she had awoken, somehow floating six feet above the ground. She was stunned to discover it was her own doing, accidentally propelling herself with something (no matter how impossible) that seemed to be aribending. Dismissing it after the first unbelievable occurance, it soon found her again, as did the brightly colored creatures she figured she must have been imagining as she wandered through the Earth Kingdom.

Denying these occurances no longer, after hearing about a phenomenon called Harmonic Convergence through the grapevine, Xiang Mi decided on an important quest for herself. She would find her way to Republic City, knowing that Avatar Aang's son and his family of airbenders lived just there, as well as the current Avatar, Korra.

She seeks answers of how she could possibly be able to Airbender, why were Spirits revealing themselves so prominatly outside of their world that she had only read about, and what events had truely taken place while she had been out on her own so long.

174 AG

Three years after finding, uniting, and training herself with the new generation of Airbenders, Xiang Mi is offcially recognized as part of the new Air Nation. With the Red Lotus's attacks and defeat, she, along with the other airbenders, take charge in being a peacekeeper for the world as Avatar Korra recovered in the South Pole.

She did her best to follow the teachings of the Air Nomads, taking initiative to lead peaceful resolutions against the harsh situation in the chaotic Earth Kingdom villages. When not doing her duty to maintain balance, Xiang Mi was quick to volunteer to go with a small group to find and recruit new airbenders as they popped up all over the world, the traveling natural and familiar to her. She also found herself taking on other smaller tasks such as maintaining the Spirit Wilds, holding meditating sessions, and watching after the bison, lemurs, and spirits on the island.

Amongst her small groups, she found herself easily able to fill roles of leadership. And in contrast to her usually very independent and reclusive self, she learned the ability to work well with a large group, which especially shined through when having to defend Republic City against the Earth Empire army.


Growing up in the village of the missing Fire Lady, Xiang Mi's life has been heavily influenced by the war. With her father having joined the Fire Nation's army and her mother needing to leave to take care of distant family on the mainland, she decided, having come of age, that she would be able to travel, to get away from the heavy influence of the war.

Xiang Mi found her way to the Earth Kingdom, taking up residence in the Fire Nation colony of Gaipan. From there she scrimped and saved in order to have money when she finally set out on her adventure. When able, she took on the persona of a Earth Kingdom explorer and student and traveled to various regions of the country, especially those of historical or spiritual significants.

By hitching rides, going on foot, and taming some rideable animals, she has made her way from the Eastern to Northern Air Temples. Living off of the land or by the generosity of anyone who will take her in, Xiang Mi's nomadic life is nearly perfect in her eyes, except for the always-present haunting of the Fire Nation and the war and prejudice it has brought.

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