Gabriel Alarie



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Gabriel Alarie

Species: Unicorn

Age: 28

Occupation: Fashion Designer/Wizard

Personality: Aloof, thoughtful, and fierce.


Height: 6’2”

Weight: 175lbs

History: Gabriel is Jacqueline’s older twin by a few minutes. They are identical twins with only a minor variation in their horns that people can use to tell them apart. The twins have always been together living on their french estate surrounded by servants and little else. Their parents had other duties that they had to attend to and left the two young children to the care of the servants and guardians of the family.

The twins grew to depend upon their butler as their impromptu father often sharing meals with him and other servants. They were spared of being spoiled children like many of the other aristocrats because they chose to go to school with normal children. Until the twin’s magical abilities blossomed, about eight years old. They were sent to a magical school at this point and discovered where they fit into the world of magical beasts and monsters.

Neither felt they were beasts or monsters and harbored a deep disappointment that the others viewed themselves as such. As they neared college-age, both agreed that they had no interest in the magical world and turned their back on that to start a fashion empire. At least that had been the idea, both were forced to study magic. So Gabriel studied Air and Water magic while his sister studied Earth and Fire magic. When they had proven they had mastered their arts, they were allowed to leave the school, and because so much of their training had been spent on the magic, they decided to incorporate their magical skills into their fashion to make truly comfortable and durable clothing.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Special Abilities:

Magically Adept: Gabriel is a wizard and has the ability to cast magic, he specializes in air and water magic.

Unicorn Powers: being a unicorn gives Gabriel a few useful abilities

such as pass without trace (Leave no scent/footprints), detect good and evil, calm emotions, and limited illusion (appear as a horse)

Healing Touch: Gabriel can heal people with a touch of his hand

Teleportation: Gabriel can teleport himself and three willing creatures who are in contact with him up to a mile radius.


Long life: Unicorns are said to be immortal if that is true Gabriel might have a very lonely and long life.

Tied to magic: Unicorns being magical creatures are tied to the waxing and waning of the magic in the world, and this can be a problem when you were expecting your magic to be more powerful, and it’s not.

The low dating pool: Unicorns were never the most plentiful of creatures, and in modern times, they’re even harder to find sometimes. And with the fact a unicorn can only breed with another unicorn, meaning there can never be a natural half unicorn means that the numbers are slowly declining.


Fashion Designer: Gabriel enjoys designing clothing and is one of the tops in his field.

Poly Lingual - Gabriel speaks and understands French, Draconic, English and German

Magical Knowledge - It goes without saying that Gabriel would spend his money and time on learning more about magic, even if he doesn’t use most other types.