


4 years, 4 months ago



"Sights that give you shivers; 
it sure would be prettier with you"

  • name > Dovemask
        prefix meaning > After the stocky light-colored bird
        suffix meaning > Her half-mask markings and secretive nature
        previous names > Dovekit, Dovepaw
    nicknames > Dove

    clan > Marshclan
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice, Queen
    mentor > Darkscar
    current apprentice >
       previous apprentice >Hootsong, Brookheart, Batwhisper

    age > Died at 61 moons
    gender > She-cat
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Poly

26307068_Pg92qHFniz3rNRc.pngbuild > Lean and muscular
fur description > Short and sleek
scars > xxx
height > 26cm
weight > 7.8lbs

voice > xxx
scent > Cattails and waterlilies
accessories > Moth familiar


positive >
    >> Polite > Always has a kind word to say about everyone, she does her best to show everyone her best side be respectful. She can appear a tad uptight as she goes through great lengths to ensure she's always behaving in a good respectable manner.
    >> Charming > Easily likable as she gets along with most. Can tell a little white lie here and there, but she's only aiming to please.
    >> Confident > Self-assured and a sense of preparedness, she feels that she is ready for anything. She's got high expectations for herself, and so she's met each one.

neutral >
    >> Outgoing > Eager to make new friends and allies. She doesn't mind making the first move and enjoys being the center of attention from time to time.
    >> Sentimental > Has difficulty letting things go as she holds onto mementos and the past they represent. She often reminisces about 'the good times', and feels a strong sense of nostalgia.
    >> Wishful > Tends to be a bit of a daydreamer, imagining her own future in a wonderful light. She tends to be more optimistic and hopeful as she envisions herself and those closest to her as being successful and happy.

negative >
    >> Absent-minded > Can be forgetful and a tad unfocused at the best of times. Often she's lost in her own thoughts and completely clueless as to what is happening around her.
    >> Squeamish> There are certain things that make her squirm with discomfort and disgust. She has strong reactions of disgust and tries her best to avoid uncomfortably scenarios like those as much as possible.
    >> Secretive > Tends to keep things to herself and bury her troubles or concerns. She prefers to deal with things herself and on her own terms rather than letting anyone else help her. Being a burden or hindrance to others just feels so wrong and improper to her, not to mention the kind of trouble she'd make by being the one to uncover and share someone else's secrets.


parents >
>> Doepuddle > Brown speckled chimera she-cat with a bobbed tail > Deceased
>> Jethro > Grey and white ticked tabby tom > Npc (Rouge donor)

siblings >
Plovertail > Dark-colored ticked tabby tom with a bobbed tail > Alive
Coalfrost > Dark grey tom with freckles and a bobbed tail> Alive
Dapplecrash > Chocolate cinnamon calico she-cat with freckles > Alive

mate >
Mothheart > Cinnamon tabby tom with yellow eyes > Deceased

kits >
Beesting > Golden and white tabby she-cat with yellow eyes > Alive
Spiderbite > Dark tabby cat with yellow eyes > Alive
Mantisdawn > Beige tabby she-cat with green eyes > Alive
Roachheart > Reddish-brown tabby tom with yellow eyes > Alive
Cicadashell > Brown and white tabby she-cat with blue eyes > Alive

Extended >

mate > Mothheart
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests > Her mate
    looking for > Nothing, she found love </3

likes in a potential mate >
    > Confident

dislikes in a potential mate >

interested in kits > Yes
preferred family size > Small




Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Was born to Doepuddle in a litter of four healthy kittens. Her brother Ploverkit being the oldest, then her, then her brother Coalkit, and her sister Dapplekit being the youngest. Her kithood was pleasant and she and her siblings grew up healthy and strong.
Overall her kithood was uneventful and peaceful. She desperately wished for adventure and romance, the kinds of stories one would hear about daring warriors facing off against rogues and finding true love. But as her chance approached her as she aged, she put those secret childish desires away and patiently awaited the day her training began.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    Dovepaw was given her new name and was assigned to Darkscar. He wasn't the sort of mentor she imagined, but she knew not to judge a book by it's cover and was eager to learn a lot from the tom.
Over the next few moons, the clans were overrun by a plague of two-legs. Some of their own clanmates and friends were snatched away and their camp was no longer safe. Marshclan joined the other three clans in Emberclan's territory as it was the furthest from their reach. But even Emberclanner's weren't safe as even their leader Otterstar was taken one day.
Dovepaw spent her time bonding with her mentor over training and trying to befriend the cats who were her age. With so many cats smooshed together in one camp, it was hard not to step on any toes, but if anyone could avoid unnecessary conflict, it was Dovepaw.
Soon enough, Marshclan deemed their own territory safe again, it seemed the two-legs were finally backing off. Even a few of the missing cats seemed to be returning home. They and Cloudclan made the journey back across the lake to Marshclan's territory, to help lighten the load on Emberclan. Cloudclan cats stayed with them for another moon before returning home to the moors.
It seemed that now that everything was back to normal, clan life would go on. To make things even better, the green-leaf season brought an abundance of prey and Gullcry their clan deputy had three lovely little kits. Some cats gossiped about Starclan's prophecy, but there really didn't seem to be any storm clouds over the horizon this time. Dovepaw would leave deciphering Starclan's meaning the medicine cats.

warriorhood I [ 12 - 25 moons ] >
    Dovemask had grown to be a graceful young lady, her new name was granted to her for her white facial markings and is a nod to her sometimes secretive nature. She hopes her mentor Darkscar is proud of her, his approval came to mean a lot to her over their time together. She knows with certainty that her mother Doepuddle is overjoyed that all four of her kits have come so far, and as their sister, Dovemask couldn't help but agree. Plovertail overcoming his distaste of blood and becoming more confident, Coalfrost smart as ever even if he is a bit cold, and Dapplecrash their rambunctious little daredevil... All of them had become warriors, and each of them had earned their name.

    The clans managed to band together and chase off the rogue threat, but... Her brother Plovertail suffered an infection causing him to become permanently deaf. Plovertail moved to the nursery to become a perma-queen, and he seemed happy enough... But Dovemask found it difficult seeing her brother more limited than before and she found it more difficult to communicate towards him.
They weren't overly close before now, but this might just push the siblings further from each other than ever.

    Dovemask was assigned her very own apprentice, a promising young she-cat named Hootpaw. Around this time, however, she met a tom across the borders named Mothheart and started a relationship with him.
The pair kept their love a secret though it caused problems for them both as their secret meetings meant they had less time for their responsibilities.
Dovemask vowed to try harder by Hootpaw, the young apprentice who was finally starting to warm up to her.

queenhood [ 25 - 34 moons ] >
    Dovemask became pregnant with Mothheart's kits. She refused to name the father but so far her clanmates had been very respectful of that choice. Sadly this meant that Hootpaw would be reassigned and that even though she hadn't meant to, Dovemask had failed her first apprentice.
Dovemask told Mothheart about the kits during a gathering. He was, of course, surprised by this. But he wanted to be there for her and there soon to be born kittens.
He made plans with her that in several moons, that he would join her in Marshclan. The promise of it was thrilling, they could be a proper family! But at the same time... Dovemask worried that Mothheart wouldn't feel comfortable or at home in Marshclan. Or maybe that... Given the moons between now and then, that Mothheart would change his mind and leave her on her own.
Dovemask did her best to shake these doubts away, and instead envisioned herself and her mate living happily ever after.

Dovemask gave birth to five healthy kittens without her mate by her side. It was regretful, but all she could do was hope Mothheart would join them soon. In the meantime, she'd have her paws full with more kits than she'd ever imagined. She wished she could bring them to show Mothheart, but in this harsh leaf-bare weather she wasn't about to take that chance. Her five bundles were too small and fragile to venture all that way in the cold, they weren't even big enough to leave the nursery! Mothheart would just have to wait without news from her.

Shortly after the birth of her kits, Dovemask's mother Doepuddle caught greencough and die suddenly. It was heartbreaking and shocking, Dovemask felt like an important part of her died with her mother. Who would she go to now? Would her kits even remember their grandmother who loved them so much? It was a tragedy, one Dovemask couldn't figure out how to deal with.
Her kits were still young and explaining to them what happened hurt her more than it did them.
Dovemask did her best to hold onto her hope. In just another moon or so Mothheart promised to come find her and they would live together in Marshclan. Then... They'd be a happy family. It wouldn't be the same without her mother but... Surely they could still... Make things work.

Finally, Mothheart came to join her in Marshclan. Dovemask was over the moon with joy as her mate met their five beautiful kits and was accepted into Marshclan. She worried sometimes about the friends and family he'd left behind to be with her, but more so she was just happy to have her mate by her side. Maybe someday he'd grow to love Marshclan as much as she did, but for now, just being together should be joyful enough.

Over time it became more and more clear that Spiderkit had been born deaf. Dovemask had always suspected, but now it was nice having those suspicions confirmed, she still adored her kit none the less for it.
She was overjoyed when her sibling Coalfrost announced their mateship with Sandslash. Coalfrost was probably the last one of their litter she'd expected to settle down with someone, but it certainly wasn't an unwelcome surprise.

Gullstar announced that Marshclan would be joining Emberclan in a declaration of war, going against Mothheart's former home Cloudclan. This was- absolutely crushing news for their family. Mothheart would be expected to fight alongside them- against his friends and other loved ones. Her kits- soon to be made apprentices, they would be expected to aid in the war as well. They each vocalized their own distaste of the situation, and Dovemask didn't blame anyone of them for it. But she would still fight, she was a Marshclan warrior after all, and she would do just about anything to protect her clan and her family.

Gullstar made another announcement sometime later, and at first Dovemask feared the worst as every cat was invited to join in. But it turned out not to be awful news, instead it was actually quite pleasant. Coalfrost and his mate Sandslash were going to teach the clan a non-verbal language, one that with enough practice Spiderkit and Plovertail would be able to use to communicate with everyone. It was wonderful news! And while she was still anxious about the impending war and bloodshed to come, it was nice to know she'd be able to connect with her kits over this and that her sibling was also working hard for the sake of Marshclan and their family.
Maybe it had been that harsh leaf-bare, or bad luck ran in her family, but Dovemask started to suspect something was off with Beekit. Her daughter was starting to squint all the time and be unable to notice things happening at a distance. She'd... Maybe she should ask Tansyskip if he would be willing to have a look at her eyes.

warriorhood [ 34 - 61 moons ] >

With her kits being made apprentices, Dovemask quickly returned to her role as warrior and was eager to spend much of her time with her mate Mothheart. This was how she tried to keep her spirits up because while the war was still looming in the background of every day, they still had each other to hold onto.

Battles came and went, the harsh war only seeming to grow grimmer as clanmates lost their lives.
One day a young warrior stormed into camp to tell them that their patrol had been attacked. Dovemask raced out to the border, Beepaw was out there. Roachpaw and Cicadapaw came as well, just as desperate to make sure their sister was safe. Beepaw had been injured, and Dovemask had left the battle to take her home.

Moons later, another battle happened. Although this time Dovemask didn't hear anything until it was all over. The patrol returned in scattered groups, things looked grim. Spiderpaw and Beepaw worked together to bring their father's body back home. Mothheart... no

Dovemask screamed for her mate, her family, for everything. Mothheart was- her beloved mate couldn't be-
Dovemask held his body close and cried for him. They buried the greatest tom she'd ever known and she stood vigil with her children. How horrible it must have been for the three who had to watch their father pass and carry him home afterwards. How terrible for the two to find out after the fact.
It was just- so sudden. Why had things happened like this? Why?
The deputy, her brother's mate who led the patrol that morning, wasn't signing or communicating. He stayed still and offered her no answers. It frustrated her. But she didn't press. She needed to be strong. She needed to be there for her kids, to help hold their family together. Mothheart would have wanted that. But without him? Could she really do this without him?

Shortly after Mothheart was killed, Dovemask was assigned her second apprentice. As much as she loved Seaheart and adored her friends kits, Dovemask really wanted to scream at Gullstar about how awful a decision this was. Sure, Dovemask accepted her apprentice with a smile, even as the tom shied away. But it was far too soon- Dovemask was still grieving. She needed time for herself and time to give to her kits who lost their father so suddenly. She could hardly hold herself together, let alone try to help a young new apprentice navigate this disaster of a war.
Someone else, anybody else would do Brookpaw better at this time.

Dovemask did her best to be there for each of her kits and train Brookpaw. She no longer had much time to process her own feelings anymore but if she could keep those important to her safe and together, she would sacrifice anything.

Not long after Mothheart's passing and Brookpaw's apprentice ceremony, Gullstar was killed. Both her lives taken in one battle. Gullstar joined Starclan and Sandslash become their clan leader.
Dovemask wasn't sure she really trusted Sandstar, but his first real action as leader was to remove Marshclan from the war, a decision that was long overdue and greatly appreciated. So far, Sandstar seemed to be trying to do right by them. He looked to her and her kits as he assured the clan that things would change for the better.

Dovemask and Mothheart's kits were made apprentices. Beesting, Spiderbite, Cicadashell, Mantisdawn and- Roachheart. Dovemask was so proud of her five wonderful kits, and she knew that Mothheart would be too. They had gone through a lot during their apprenticeship, but they grew into amazing warriors.
Things were getting better, if only by a bit.
Dovemask still through herself into her duties to cope with the loss of her mate. Though sometimes she would pause during patrol, or when near the tunnels. There were places around the territory that was special to her and Mothheart, not to mention, how greatly their kits reminded her of him. But she was coping none the less. She had even managed to get into Brookpaw's training. She wasn't going to let her friend's son down.

Brookpaw became Brookheart before she knew it. Her apprentice had grown so much and would make a proud Marshclan warrior. These times of peace were... nice. Even if it still felt bittersweet for her, she was coping. She was doing well.

Dovemask formed a bond with a little spotted moth. The moth bringing her comfort and following her as she went about her duties.
Her brother Plovertail and his mate Beetletail had a litter of kittens. They named them Mothkit, Monarchkit, and Murkykit. They were absolutely precious, it seemed that bug names were popular for their family. Plovertail and Beetletail did have those caterpillars they adored many moons ago, Dovemask regrets that she hadn't kept up with them much so she wasn't sure if they were still around or not.
Beesting, rather than staying a warrior chose to become a permanent queen and help care for the clan's kits. She was a natural for the role, and it was good that she would be more at peace doing it.

One night when Dovemask went to sleep she was visited in her dreams. Mothheart had come to see her. They spent the night together, though she knew it was but a vision. She could hear and feel Mothheart next to her and speak to him one last time. They shared a tearful goodbye and Dovemask awoke the next morning still missing her mate terribly, but feeling more at peace than she once was.

Sandstar and Coalfrost adopted two orphaned kits. It was a bit unexpected, but Dovemask was happy for them. She hadn't expected either to really be interested in having kits of their own, but it was a pleasant surprise. Dovemask adored her new niece and nephew. It was nice to see their family contininuing to grow.

Soon enough, Mothkit, Monarchkit, and Murkykit were made apprentices. Dovemask was surprised to see Monarchpaw being apprenticed to her cousin Mantisdawn, but Dovemask knew her daughter would be a wonderful mentor. Soon after, Roachheart was assigned his first apprentice too.

Then one night, Shrewkit and Batkit went missing. They were found the same night, but Shrewkit was in critical condition. Their apprentice ceremony was postponed and Dovemask tried to approach Coalfrost to offer her condolences for his family's hardship. Shrewkit had lost one of her legs to a badger attack and the whole family seemed shaken and hurt.
Thankfully Shrewkit recovered her strength, though she had lost some of her spirit.

During a festival, Dovemask noticed Hootsong and an Emberclan tom talking. They were very familiar with each other and Dovemask quickly peiced together all the signs she'd noticed over the moons. Her former apprentice Hootsong was in a forbidden relationship with this cat.
Dovemask approached Hootsong directly, asking Hootsong to put her trust in her and let her help. Dovemask knew how hard it was falling for someone from another clan, and she wanted to make sure Hootsong would stay safe if they were to continue. She also knew... That is other cats found out, Hootsong may be in trouble with their clanmates. At this point, Dovemask really didn't know how Sandstar would react.

A tom named Stoatshell came from Emberclan to join Marshclan. Beesting was really happy about it and excited to introduce her to him. It was... a little worrying that Beesting may have been following in her and Mothheart's pawsteps in this way. And the fact that she hadn't caught onto what was happening at all was scary as well. But Dovemask was glad that the pair had figured out the distance and potential rule-breaking before things had gotten too serious. And if it made Beesting happy, well Dovemask was truly happy for her daughter.

Batkit and Shrewkit were made apprentices, and Dovemask was assigned to be Batpaw's mentor. Her own former apprentice and friend Hootsong was assigned Shrewpaw. It was an honor to see her brother-in-law trust her like this, though she felt guilty that she was helping Hootsong hide her forbidden relationship.

Batpaw was an interesting young tom. He kind of reminded her of his adopted parents in a lot of ways. He was clearly dealing with a lot since the incident and he was pulling away from the other cats involved. At least he seemed to be good friends with his cousins and his other denmates, she'd have to try and schedule training sessions with the other mentors.

Mantisdawn fell sick suddenly with green-cough. Or... had she been hiding her symptoms? Monarchpaw was reassigned to Willowpool for the time being while everyone hoped for Mantisdawn's recovery. Dovemask was worried for her daughter, it was too soon to join her father in starclan. So... she has to recover right? 

Mantisdawn passed away. Her daughter was dead.
Dovemask found herself struggling to get up in the mornings following her loss. The world felt so colorless as she tried to continue living in it. Hadn't her family been through enough? And now she was just- hurting and broken.
Being a good mentor and helping her troubled mentor was the last thing on her mind as she dealt with her grief. Her child was dead.

Coalfrost was moved into the medicine den as they too fell victim to white cough. Dovemask couldn't begin to think of the idea she'd lose a littermate too, but she had to keep going. And Batpaw-
Dovemask felt so broken inside, but she had to keep going. She had to let Coalfrost know that she'd look after their son and train him well. That they didn't have to worry. And she had to be there for her nephew if he lost another parent like this.

Things continued to grow only worse for the clan, her family and friend especially. She was happy for Seaheart when she announced she was expecting her second litter. Seaheart and Icefang deserved the chance to grow their family once more, and new kits were always a blessing.
But then Sandstar disappeared, leaving Seaheart the added stress of leading the clan in his absence, and leaving Shrewpaw even more isolated and confused. Batpaw despite it all was doing well, continuing to focus on his training, though she could tell Sandstar's disappearance bothered him too, if only just.
Dovemask tried to do everything. She wanted to help Hootsong with her secret meetings and training Shrewpaw. She wanted to help Seaheart with her added responsibilities and help her prepare for her kits. She wanted to be a good mentor for Batpaw, and she wanted to be there for her littermate still in the medicine den with greencough.
There was so much and Dovemask felt like she was drowning, but she couldn't stop. Not now when so many cats needed her.
Shrewpaw lashed out- attacking Monarchstream. If Dovemask had been her mentor she might have lost it, might have snapped at her niece for such actions. Everything was so much, and it wasn't just Shrewpaw who was hurting right now. But to take it out on her, well that would make her just as in the wrong. Dovemask distanced herself from the situation, leaving it to Seaheart and Hootsong to handle.
And then Coalfrost died, joining so many others in Starclan.
Did she even have the energy to cry anymore?

Sandstar was found and brought to the medicine den. She wished that this meant that things would slowly start to go back to normal again, but she knew it wouldn't. Her family was all so broken and she was losing hope of anything getting better. Hadn't they been through enough yet?

From that point on, it seemed as if everything had been plunged into some unknown world. This- none of this could be real right?
Sandstar executed Softsnap in front of everyone. She was- a traitor? But- then...
Sandstar later tried to exile Turtlecloud. Though he at least failed in that regard.
Even when Batpaw and Shrewpaw became warriors - Batwhisper and Shrewflight, it ended in a bitter argument.
Dovemask couldn't believe this was right, this was real. Marshclan was being suffocated, isolated from the other clans, and forced to undergo a multitude of painful clan meetings. Everyone was powerless, forced to watch as their clan crumbled to pieces around them.

And they weren't alone. Dovemask first heard it from the announcement, that Sandstar was refusing to allow Hailclan to take refuge within Marshclan. Apparently, Hailclan was suffering just as much- no, more so. Cats were already fleeing. At least here, here they had Seaheart and Tansyskip continuing to try and give the clan council, trying their hardest even with everything that happened.
Dovemask felt guilty, seeing her friend with newborn kits still working so hard while she- she was finding it very hard to try.
What could they do? No one could pretend things were normal, have conversations with loved ones, everything was just so- so- broken.
Dovemask couldn't even share in her sibling's joy when Dapplecrash spoke so excitedly about their pregnancy.
After losing so much family, after living on eggshells, it was hard to find reason to smile.

Hootsong was caught. Dovemask hadn't even realized she was continuing her secret meetings. But Hootsong had been caught, and the border was closed. And Sandstar was angry.
Dovemask wasn't there when Hootsong's trial took place. She wished she was, that she could have done something to stop it. Would she have done something? Surely she would have, she'd promised Hootsong she'd do everything she could to help her. And now- now- it was too late. Hootsong was gone, exiled from the clan. At least she hadn't been killed but- exiled? This was her home!
Dovemask knew Hootsong was breaking the warrior code. But she'd done the same herself way back when, and she knew- she knew that it was possible to find happiness. It was difficult, but having Mothheart and their kits had been worth all that trouble. Would Hootsong agree with her now? Having faced the worst possible outcome? Maybe not, maybe she'd gotten lucky and led her apprentice down a wrong path.

Dovemask wasn't paying attention. Her now-grown kit Spiderbite had gone with her, and she wasn't even facing them. She was walking and just trying to make sense of everything that had happened. She wound up in the forest, around where Dropletshine lived, and around where she and Mothheart had spent their first day together.
Dropletshine wasn't there, it was a shame, they were the only cat outside of Marshclan that she or anyone was even allowed to speak to. Just talking to someone separate from all this would have been a big help.
There was a screech, hissing, yowling behind her. She was too slow to turn around, too slow to save her kit.
She lunged at the cat who'd- who'd- murdered her child
But they'd expected it. The fight was short, just as it had been for Spiderbite. She and Spiderbite- they had been taken by surprise and were woefully unprepared.
It was a quick death, all things considered. Her last failure as a warrior, as a mother. But a part of her was glad, because she'd see Mothheart and Mantisdawn again soon.


Mothheart {Love of her life | Marshclan | Dead}

  Mothheart was Dovemask's first love and the father of their five precious kits. Despite the hardships they dealt with, Dovemaks was truly happy every day the two spent together. Mothheart sacrificed so much to be with her and their kits. 

Doepuddle {Mother | Marshclan | Dead}

  Doepuddle taught Dovemask and her littermates so much! Doepuddle was a wonderful mother towards her kits and a warrior many cats looked up to. It was nice seeing her retire, but then leaf-bare came and she suddenly... Doepuddle's passing is so very fresh and it just hurts so much.

Plovertail {Brother | Marshclan | Alive}

  Plovertail is very dear to her and her family. He was always there when Dovemask needed him and she couldn't ask for a better brother. She's really proud of him for putting in so much work after his devastating injury. Plus, he and Beetletail made a really cute couple.

Coalfrost {Sibling | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Dapplecrash {Sister | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Spiderbite {Daughter | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Roachheart {Son | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Seaheart {Friend | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Darkscar {Mentor | Marshclan | Alive}

  Dovemask thought her mentor was just so cool when she trained under him. He never seemed to care what others thought of him and he was a great mentor. She wished they'd have kept in touch a bit better after she was a warrior, but Darkscar was always more distant than their other clanmates.

Hootsong {Apprentice | Marshclan | Alive}

  Hootsong has been such a blessing. They started off rocky but after taking things slow, the two started to really click. Dovemask still feels guilty for cutting things short, but Hootsong persevered and became an amazing warrior regardless.

Beesting {Daughter | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Cicadashell {Daughter | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Mantisdawn {Daughter | Marshclan | Alive}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius

  •  Feathers
  •  Family
  •  Mothheart
  •  Water lilies
  •  New-leaf
  • Hairy prey
  • Snoops
  • Injuries
  • x
  • x
  • 🟆 x
  • 🟆 x
  • 🟆 x
  • 🟆 x
  • 🟆 x

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