Asher Woods



4 years, 5 months ago


ASHer woods

loyal ⋆ brave ⋆ stubborn

I had to grow up. For Nikki's sake.



Asher elliot woods




august 12th








6ft 2 inches

Lives in


Asher Woods wasn't always the cold shoulder detective.

He once was a carefree child, living his days surfing while babysitting his little sister, Nicole, for his family. Every now and then again, they'd bike towards their local shaved ice shop, Asher getting blue raspberry while Nicole (Nikki as he called her), insisted on getting grape. Then they'd sit around a park picnic table just laughing while his father showed off some pictures him and their mother took underwater while studying the marine life. 

Everything was perfect.

Until it wasn't. 


Asher Elliot Woods was born on August 12th to Cecelia and Mark Woods in Sydney, Australia, being a healthy baby boy with a big personality. He kept the newly wedded couple on their toes as they often had to chase after him as he ran for the door. To keep him entertained, Mark began to take the little Asher with him to the beach, letting the child run around as he surfed. By the age of seven, Asher had grown curious in the matter of surfing, and soon Mark was taking him down to the beach every night to teach the child how to. Cecelia would often lay upon the beach while Asher began his surfing lessons, having conversations with those she came across upon the boardwalk. 

When Asher hit the age of twelve, Cecelia and Mark gave birth to another child, a baby girl named Nicole Woods. No one could deny that Cecelia and Nicole had a strong bond, the two were practically glued to one another. Nicole had Cecelia's dark mocha colored hair while Asher's was that of his father's an ash colored brown, fitting his name perfectly. Not too long after, Asher began high school at West Shore High School, quickly becoming popular due to his skills on the diving team. He soon caught the attention of none other than the cheerleading captain herself, Rebecca Taylor. The two hit it off instantly, and began dating after. Their relationship lasting throughout high school, and Asher caught onto how toxic the cheerleader was. She was insanely possessive and would pick fights with him for no reason. However, when Asher tried to end things, it was too late. During their senior year, Rebecca announced that she was pregnant with his child.

Towards the end of of his senior year, Asher tried to forget about the troubles that had been plaguing him about becoming a father, and attempted to focus on just taking care of Nikki for his parents. Cecelia and Mark had gone on a trip to the Coral Sea to go research some new findings that had been discovered, leaving Asher and Nikki to continue daily life. They were meant to return on Asher's 18th birthday. Meant to.

Three days prior to his birthday, Asher and Nikki were informed about the accident. Something had attacked their parents' ship, sinking it to the ground. No one survived. Nikki was only of the age of six, not understanding what had happened. Asher overwhelmed with grief began to close himself off to everyone but Nikki. He had to stay strong, for her sake. Deciding they couldn't stay in Sydney, Asher used what Cecelia and Mark had left him to move to America, in a small town called Kinder in Pennsylvania. There he purchased a townhouse near a lake, forcing himself into the police academy to make money to take care of himself and Nikki. He never wanted to join the police force, his dream was to become a professional surfer. Some dreams just weren't meant to be. 

After many years of pushing himself to become top of his class in the police academy, Asher was accepted into the KCPD by the chief, Andrea Compton, who soon became like a mother to the hardheaded boy. He was on a simple task force in the beginning of his career, Avery Jones becoming his partner, along with being a good friend. Asher wanted to do more however, and was soon bumped up to a detective status, and after a couple months, received a new partner fresh out of a university in London, named Heather Miller. Asher wouldn't have known then, that he'd soon fall head over heels for that woman, who would eventually become his wife. 


Nikki woods

Asher and his little sister have an incredibly close bond. He has been raising her on his own since she was six. Nikki adores her older brother, constantly talking to him about mermaids and her pet turtle, Sailor, that was a gift from Andrea. However, what Asher fails to realize, is that Nikki's chat about their mother being an "odd mermaid" may not truly be a coping mechanism, but rather a reality. 

Heather miller

Asher never expected that he'd fall for his detective partner, but Heather was the only person he could truly open up to. He adores everything about her, including the fact that she is an alter, someone who is able to shift into a fox. Asher and Heather have three daughters together, Maddie, Amanda, and Reece Woods. Though Asher could never forget his other daughter he has with Rebecca, Arabella Woods. 





  • surfing
  • focusing on a case
  • his birthday
  • ships