Sota Mizushima



4 years, 5 months ago


Sota Mizushima is a card demon, who after losing a bet with a devil had his appearance changed and his soul dragged into hell.

Despite this serious loss, Sota is still a gambler at heart. His more human appearance allows his some room for tricking humans into playing a game of chance with him, with high risks, but high rewards. He is very charming and sly, having a way of talking in order to convince. Often times, he will make people do his dirty work for him, but there are times where he will get his hands dirty. He is also rather egotistical, seeing himself highly despite his embarrassing loss against said devil. He seeks to eventually get vengeance and win against the devil, but for now, he runs casinos in hell, and gathers souls in the living world.

Sota has in his possession a deck of cards which can do a variety of things, good or bad. The cards are sorted by 4 Categories, with Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces having unique abilities depending on the category drawn:
Spade: Weapon summons (for special cards) or Buffs to strength (for number cards). Higher Numbers means better buffs.
-Jack: Summons a random weapon.
-Queen: Summons a ranged weapon.
-King: Summons a melee weapon.
-Ace: Can summon a weapon the drawer wishes to have...or can give a minuscule buff. Completely random.
Club: Mostly useless Effects, can be good or bad. Higher numbers increase intensity, and usually another draw is needed to determine effect (overrides other card types).
-Jack: Gives drawer a glow, lighting up their surroundings.
-Queen: Drawer gains a lot of knowledge on a topic that fascinates them.
-King: A physical mutation occurs on the drawer, either helping or hindering them in a task.
-Ace: Any helpful effect (Spade or Heart) occurs...or any hindering/useless effect (Club or Diamond). Completely random. (CANNOT GET ACE EFFECTS)
Heart: Healing or Curing. Higher numbers mean more intense wounds are healed much easier.
-Jack: Heals instantly any recent (<5 Hours ago) serious injuries.
-Queen: Heals instantly old/slow Illnesses and injuries. Also can regenerate lost limbs.
-King: Saves drawer from life-threatening injuries or illnesses, old or new.
-Ace: Can give the drawer a second chance at life, should they die...or heal that annoying paper cut you got. Completely random.
Diamond: Injury or Illness. Higher numbers mean more intense wounds or sicknesses.
-Jack: Inflicts a serious injury, which can heal quickly under medical attention.
-Queen: Inflicts a slow, painful illness upon the drawer. Can be cured with Medical attention.
-King: Inflicts usually fatal injuries or illnesses (sometimes both) upon the drawer.
-Ace: Can kill the drawer instantly...or can give them an annoying cough/hiccup. Completely random.

Appears 30/5'11"/()/B-

-Will sometimes draw from his own deck for the sake of it, or if someone dares him to prove his cards are actually magical.