


4 years, 5 months ago


EGO - Geo Dragon Sona/Mascot
Nicknames: Eggo, Egghead
Gender: Agender/Genderfluid
Pronouns: any (they/he/she/it), usually he/him with Ray, and usually they/it with strangers
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Species: Dragon
Birthday: May 12 (Created by me in 2020, birth year in story is 1937)

Born in a lab circa 1937, Ego resembled a slug-like creature, and often spent time in a cup. Ego was part of an experiment to try to acquire wealth through the artificial creation of gemstones. They don't remember the details of the experimentation due to post traumatic dissociative amnesia. They often bashed their head into the wall to try to distract themselves from what was happening, and this habit occasionally still happens in the present. Ego was eventually rescued from the lab by Ray, and they travelled the world together before settling down in a cabin in rural Texas.

Usually soft spoken or just hums. Their voice has a timbre reminiscent of an Animal Crossing character, and they like to sing. They have a European accent that is mostly hard to pinpoint, but has origins in German.
Very supportive of their friends, especially Ray. Pretty smart, but struggles with motivation unless someone or something is there to encourage them.
Can change the weight of any object while touching it, needing more concentration the more that the weight is changed from its original mass. This is how Ego is able to carry heavy stone shells on their head and tail. They can also use this power to make themself weightless and be able to float. They can store objects in their tail shell, and can also curl up entirely in it.
They have no sexual or gender markers at all, so they prefer to use neutral pronouns with people they don't know, but they don't mind too much if people assume different genders for them. With people they trust, they are happy to use any pronouns.

Alter Ego:
When the stone shell on their head is removed, they shift to Alter Ego form. This form is taller and comes with a few physical changes including horns and sometimes an extra pair of draconic wings. In this form they don't have their weight shifting abilities, but they have increased strength, aggression, confidence, and charisma. Their skin will slowly start to build up a casing of stone and crystals, and if they rest in this form for long enough then they'll be entirely covered by the stone and hatch later in their normal small form. The shed casing will become a new shell for them to wear.

NORMAL EGO Design Notes

  • 3 feet tall
  • Eyes are very slightly more egg-shaped than oval-shaped
  • Eyes can change shape as if they have eyelids (angry eyes, squinting, etc.)
  • Mouth is invisible when it is closed. When it's open, it's always a jagged shape
  • Mouth can have any number of pointed teeth, and is flexible in its shape, size, and position
  • Eyes and mouth can get bigger or smaller and move around on the head. Often when the mouth is too big, the eyes will shrink, and vice versa
  • Legs are NOT digitigrade, they are plantigrade, but just with defined knees
  • Tail is like a chameleon and is curled up inside the shell, which can be removed
  • The "eggshell" parts are actually stone, like a geode, and the inside is lined with amethyst
  • No specific size/number of spikes on the eggshell, since it is replaced relatively often
  • Sweater has holes for the wings
  • Back is usually arched backwards 
  • Remember the eyebrows 
  • Has thumbs on the hands for a total of 8 fingers, but only has a total of 6 toes
  • Blush is optional