Castor (wip)'s Comments

This baby is so cute! 

I can offer anyone in this folder:

let me know if you’re interested in any!

Hey!! I can’t remember if I replied and I’m so sorry if I didn’t! I might’ve seen your mssg and just?? Forgotten about it! If you’re still interested I’d be willing to trade him for or !! Once again, so sorry!!

Sorry I’m not really interested in trading those guys for this boi BUT I could do a sketch com for him? (examples in my misc folder) 

im also super interested in all your tent babs and could trade x for one of them!

let me know what you think!

Oo! I’d be down to trade him for a sketch com! If you could do this Chara If not I’ll change em!

I’m like super tent on the three in my tent folder so I’d have to pass on that offer though! Thank you for being interested!!

Sure I could totally do that!

and all good!

Awesome! I’ll leave Lincoln in the pause folder then! 💕

4 Replies