
4 years, 4 months ago


*Penny comes from a more medieval Ditee-ath time period.*

Full Name: Penelope Pappri
   Nicknames: Penny, P
Species: Gemmadite
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 26
Height: 5'5ft / 165 cm
DOB: Tuidri 17
Gem: Padpardascha Sapphire (Rare)
Personality Traits: Quirky, loud, passionate, boisterous, cheerful, friendly, protective
Occupation: Traveling Bard (& occasional thief)
Likes: Music, attention, stories, contests, all string instruments, flirting
Favorite Thing: Her lute, and other loud people
Dislikes: Sitting still, being quiet, being alone, fancy events
Fears: Breaking her instrument or losing her voice
Romantics: Panromantic, likes to flirt but isn't overtly sexual
Relationships: Hauyne, travel buddy; Partner: Aeisha

-Her entire family were performers, but were a part of "upper class" theatre and operas whereas she chose to play on the streets. She was fairly well off and her family had high expectations for her, but she preferred to have fun with more common folk. Her family was skeptic of her wanting to travel the world, but couldn't do much to stop her.
-She met Hauyne by trying to charm him out of his belongings. She was intrigued by him and secretly decided to become a companion of his. While friendly, he's considerably more grounded than she is, and seems a nice balance to her antics.

- Gemstone: Padpardascha Sapphire (Rare)
- Ears: Rare
- Eyes: Rare
- Teeth: Rare
- Saliva healing: Rare
- Mutation: None

Overall rarity: Rare

Purchased 1/4/2020 ($10); Masterlist #87