Carmen Thorzyne



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Carmen Thorzyne






Half Elf


Divination Wizard/Rogue


oh Another dnd character? they're for our curse of strahd campaign (rip beberly 😔)

Personality Traits: They have big dreams about becoming a famous archeologist and treasure hunter. It’s more for the fame, whether that comes from good or not. Don’t speak ill of the dead, but it’s not like they’re going to use their old belongings anyway. If something is useful, then it’s useful, and it still might be even after it breaks apart. They work hard so they can play hard (and playing while you’re working makes it all the better).

Ideals: They believe that gaining knowledge is the path to power and self improvement. Finding and preserving the old is the way to learn about old civilizations that either failed or thrived, and knowing that is powerful. They also believe that one has to make sacrifices in order to gain that knowledge. Gaining and losing go hand in hand.

Bonds: They are in love with the university that taught them everything they know, and they want to bring prestige to it (along with gaining fame for finding artifacts to said university ;) ) to keep it alive. They also want to honor the memory of their mentor, who pointed them in the direction of magic in the first place.

Flaws: They only really want to spend time learning and planning and writing everything down; they don’t want to get distracted by people in the long term. They are very easily distracted by the promise of information, and they, ultimately, would do just about anything to get the higher knowledge they want. 

Carmen grew up a lover of life and an appreciator of death. They grew up mostly working in a funeral home in a semi large city. When the time called for it, they would go out and find things to help embalm and bury the bodies. So she had grown accustomed to death and all it brings. Carmen had always liked listening to the stories clients told, but she only really regarded them as stories and sweet things to tell when one has passed. One caught her eye in particular, however: she was an older human woman whose spouse had passed. She told Carmen stories of all the mischief they’d gotten into and their lives in general. She was a wizard who studied transmutation, and Carmen got wrapped up in her stories and wanted to know more. They soon became friends, and after a long while of knowing the woman, Carmen decided that she wanted to pursue the magic she had begun to appreciate on a deeper level.

The city had a school in it, and once Carmen had gotten accepted, she tried to absorb all the information she could. Working with the dead for most of her life, she was naturally drawn to necromancy. She eventually decided bringing people back and taking life with this magic wasn’t really what she wanted to pursue. She finally settled on divination when she discovered the way it regarded the past, present, and future, and all the knowledge that power held. During her schooling she frequently visited with the older woman, who she at this point regarded as her mentor. She helped Carmen with her studies, and she also liked having Carmen around. She didn’t really get out much, and having someone there to talk to her in her declining health was a comfort. Throughout the course of schooling, Carmen eventually got involved in the archaeology scene. It was more of a ‘scientific’ area than what she was used to, but she liked finding things out and investigating and using her magic to help figure things out. Divination also involved things from the past. And Carmen sometimes felt more comfortable where the dead were laid, anyway. It was through this that Carmen fell in love with the work, and she worked to gain prestige in the field and help on digs. It was also through this and with friends from the work that she found an appreciation for being silent and still and patient (which, if she’s honest with herself, is something she still lacks). They helped her with this, and in turn, she helped them figure things out. 

By the time she had finished schooling, the older woman had passed. Carmen knew that she had also held the school close to her heart, so she thought it would be nice to honor her memory by finding something (and the thought of becoming famous for something like that tickled her) and donating it to the school’s museum. It was small, and not very well known but Carmen loved it for all it had given her. She finished school with decent grades and connections, and so she ventured out into the world to find things. To gain the knowledge old civilizations and cities and people had, and to use that knowledge to make a better future. She held this close to her chest.

She’d been adventuring for a while, assisting digs and trying to discover something on her own. Though she held herself above certain people in terms of information, she also sometimes put too much trust in old accounts of far off places and treasures. She was a treasure hunter by no means, but she liked the idea of discovering something from a stranded pirate ship or finding the remains of a king in an undiscovered tomb. However, there were disappointments in chasing rumors, and Carmen is still aiming to find something lost and new.

carmen is a chaotic good very unhinged also here is her playlist

curse of strahd playlist!

pinterest board!