
4 years, 4 months ago



Age: 29

Role: Queen/ Shakira 👑


Pups: Nina, Twizzler, Riley, and Anin


Sedna was born to Amelia and John Woodwind in the town of Aldersdale. She was named after her older brothers death at the hands of the sea, so things weren't set to go well from the start.

Growing up Sedna was blessed with an alluring beauty. Blossoming like a beautiful flower. She was sheltered from everything male, so when she came of age she was unprepared. She immediately was a Rapist target. Worse yet, her mother accused her of making it up for attention. 

One night this resulted in her demise, Ameilia made her daughter go to the store for her, ignoring her pleas. Sedna was cornered by a man who intended to use her and kill her. She was saved from rape by the Instrument of her death, A embriem werewolf. Died at 17 years old.

In death Sedna was so distraught she ran away from the gates of Heaven and met Demier, the one everyone called Wolf. The man she would fall for and the one to show her what love could really be and help her blossom into more than just a silent staircase.