Marigold's Comments

They're so pretty. 😳

I'd love to have her!! Recently I've been trying to get in touch with my feminine side and I've always expressed myself through characters, and she seems like the perfect type of character to express that through!! Ferrets are my favorite animal as well and my favorite to draw, and they make up the majority of my characters! 

ahh i completely understand wanting to get in touch with sides of yourself, and characters are definitely such a wonderful way to do so! and like you i think she’d be wonderful for that c:

it also sounds like she’d have a really wonderful home with you and fit in quite nicely, so i’d absolutely love to give her to you, and i’ll transfer her over now <3

Ahh tysm!! ;; I'll make sure to take really good care of her!!

of course!! hope you enjoy her ~

AWW she’s adorable 💕 I’m in love with her design! I love ferrets and the flower on her collar is a cute detail