


4 years, 5 months ago


Full name: Connor Berg

Nickname: Trashy, king, retcon, ratcoin

Voice: Kinda like Finn Wolfhard

Gender: Male

Sex: yes

Species: Norwedgian forest cat and persian

Date of birth: March 8th

Height: 172 cm

Age: 14-16(depends)

Sexuality: Pan

Occupation: N/a

Likes: Junk food, sleeping, drawing , loud and screachy music, talking with friends, talking in general, eating, buying art supplies, thinking abt you-know-what, and watching youtube, grunge bands(cough cough nirvana).

Dislikes: Large brick buildings(theyre ominous ok), waking up early, being alone for too long, people who talk to much(hes a hypocrite), fancy food, crowded places, most people.

Fears/phobias: being crushed under large objects, falling, being blamed for things he hasnt done, being framed for something he hasnt done( hes paranoid).

Flaws: Hes a hypocrite, hes paranoid, and he thinks everyone cares abt the embarresing things he has done in his life. hes lazy and procastinates alot. hes very mentally unstable, and gets dramatic mood swings often. its easy for him to leave people for very stupid reasons behind, but harder for him to let go of bad people in his life. can be very ingorant and is also very nihistic. he can also be very close minded sometimes. he gets paranoid over alot of things, one major thing is his extreme fear over offending people.

Strengths: Hes good at drawing. he cares alot abt his friends and would do allmost anything for them. most of the time hes good at setting boundaries and drawing the line. hes very stubborn with his his own morals, and he has a pretty good sense of moral, allthough it can be a little bit to over the top sometimes. 

Relations: Mom (CeciliaHj), dad (Jimmy Berg), step mom (Li Lo), step dad (Erik Bill) little sisters (Carmen Hj, Edith Hj, Pella Lo, Majken Lo, Tintin Lo), friends( suggar, charlie, xenych, cheese).

Other things to note:

  • He has a rare eye disease that causes his eyewhites to turn yellow, and his irises to deform. the disease also changes how you see color, so hes colorblind in his left eye(his left).
  • The reason his blood is purple is unknown, but theres a chance it might also be a rare disease. still i doesnt affect him at all, his blood just tastes weird.
  • The reason why hes so paranoid is also unknown, but its probably just due to life experiences and trauma.
  • He never takes his binder off