


4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Electric Mormoth (Morphing Moth)

Gender / Pronouns

Female (cisgender) / She, they

Age / Birthday

33 / December, 1986


Over, Overderp

Size in original moth form

15 cm (length)


Extrovert, happy-go-lucky, annoying, silly, spontaneous, friendly, adventurous, loyal, confident, curious, energetic, harmless and foolish


Royal Messenger of Panápaná Kingdom




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Character created by Rezeict on February 2010.

Overdose is an adult female Electric Mormoth, which is a breed of Morphing Moths (shapeshifting insects).

Physical Description: markings are yellow and purple. Eyes, mouth, tongue, inner ears and paw pads are orange. Front legs have 3 purple stripes, while back legs have 4 purple stripes. She has purple socks on all feet. She has a low-pitched voice. Overdose smells like orange.

Limited Shapeshifting: because Overdose is a Mormoth, she can change her physical appearance to that of any animal, real or not. Her markings always stays the same, meaning that her colors and patterns never change, they just adapt to the physical forms. Maintaining bigger forms requires more energy from her, but she has a lot of energy to spend. Most of the times, Overdose enjoys being a great beast similar to a mix of wolf and dragon, with 4 or 6 limbs and usually wingless. Her preferred forms are creatures with a lot of fur. She also uses her original moth form a lot.

Biography: Overdose was found by Queen Sveta when she was a baby-larva. Sveta and the royal court raised her and educated her alongside other orphans. When she became an adult moth, she started working for the Kingdom. It is believed that Overdose was born in Panápaná Kingdom.

Overdose has a garden of orange trees.

Morphing Moths or Mormoths:

They are a species of insects that have the ability to channel their inner energy and use it to shapeshift into any animal of their choice, real or not.

Marimorfa na Língua Portuguesa.

Likes: orange fruits, orange colors, orange trees. If it's related to orange, then she absolutely loves it.

Dislikes: Nothing!