Inigo Kendal



4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Inigo Kendal

Age (DoB):

23 years (Jul 30)




5'8 ft


Cis Male (He/Him)




Monk (Hand archetype)


Chaotic Good



Inigo Kendal is the second child born to Theodore and Hannah Kendal. Four years after their first son, Phillip. The Kendal family were one of the wealthiest families in the town of SlimChapel. Though they had no title or heritage for them to be considered nobles. All in all, the Kendals were mostly just a new money family.

Even with the money they had, Inigo hated his family. His elder brother, Phillip had always seemed to be the "perfect child". Phillip had better grades than Inigo, more friends, and was loved more by their parents. Inigo was always jealous of Phillip, and it outwardly showed. It seemed that nothing could ever be wrong when Phillip was around. That was, however, until Phillip fell ill.

At the age of 17, Phillip died of pneumonia. Most of the town supported Theodore and Hannah through the ordeal but did not seem to mind Inigo. The general public had the idea that Inigo never really cared for Phillip, and was probably happy with his death. It was not until then Inigo realized how bad he had talked about and treated Phillip.

The realization sent Inigo down even more. He knew deep down, he could not change the way he treated Phillip. After a while, he got the idea that if he could not change his treatment of Phillip, he could make at least seem like he was nice to Phillip. Inigo then became cold. To everyone, including his parents.

Inigo spent most of his time alone after that. The most interaction he got was doing various small jobs around town for payment. Most of it went to buying illegal items from smugglers. One full moon, Inigo was retrieving a special herb from the local woods. What he failed to realize, however, was that there was rumored to be a werewolf running around in the woods. Whom he soon ran into on his way out.

The werewolf wasted no time in attacking the young teen. While defending himself from the beast, Inigo was bitten by it. Inigo had no prior experience with healthcare or magical wounds. He also did not want to be in trouble with his parents, and the law. Thus, Inigo kept the bite a secret, and it soon got infected. Making Inigo cursed with lycanthropy as well. He never got it cured even to this day.

When Inigo was 17, his hometown of SlimChapel was attacked by pirates. In the process of fleeing the town, Inigo was captured by the attackers. That was when he met the captain of the ship. A tall, blonde, elven woman named Lunamis. At first, the elven captain planned to just sell the boy off or to his parents. Though his attitude seemed to have caught her eye, she kept him on board.

Over the years, Inigo stayed on the boat. With his grit and bitchy tone, he was able to work his way up to being the quartermaster. Essentially being Luna's first and only right-hand man. Unlike the other crew members, Inigo never personally saw anything personal about his position. Sure, he liked bossing people around and being a total dick on purpose. But he never thought being Luna's right-hand man was important or cool. Inigo was pretty indifferent to Luna and her crew.

One winter, when Inigo was 23, Luna ordered the ship to be docked for repairs. The repairs were said to take the rest of the season, leaving Inigo with a lot of freedom. Way more than he needed. One day, Inigo decided to visit the town's local tavern. That's when he met him.

At the tavern, Inigo encountered an aasimar serving the tables. The two talked and seemed to get along fairly well. The odds of meeting an aasimar? Rare, especially for Inigo. The odds of Inigo befriending someone? People expected the sky to fall first. While conversing, Inigo learned the man's name. He was Blaze, a 19-year-old [uhh idk his class] who waited tables to help his legal guardian out.

After the meeting, the two stayed close in contact. Inigo spent most, if not all, of his freedom with Blaze. With Blaze, the winter seemed to go fast and easy for Inigo. Almost too fast. Soon, it was spring again, meaning the ship was repaired and his crew was ready to leave. For the first time, Inigo was not ready to leave. He knew damn well that if he left, he would never see Blaze again.

That was when Inigo got a plan. Inigo knew that it was nearing the time Luna did not want to be on the sea. So he left with the crew. A month later, that time came, and Luna left the ship. Now in charge, Inigo ordered the ship to return near Blaze's town. He then stole a lifeboat during the night and rowed off the shore. Leaving his pirating life all behind.

Inigo and Blaze quickly reunited and left town. Since it was a seaside town, and Luna would be out for blood once she found out. The two then became explorers. Taking up small jobs and such to survive. Inigo would love to settle down with Blaze, but at the time was paranoid of Luna finding the both of them. He knew Luna would not hesitate to kill Blaze if it meant he would go back. Thus, he runs around with Blaze, so it would be impossible to find them.