Zenobia Sixsmith




Name: Zenobia Modesty Sixsmith

Age: 18

Hair: Short. Strawberry blond.

Eyes: The left eye is robotic, the other she always has covered.

Height: 5’ 6’’

Usual Clothing: White, thin, long sleeve shirt. Brown and brass colored vest. Leather belt filled with tools. Reddish-brown pants that are tucked into her brown, dust covered boots. She wears one long, red earring on her left ear. She wears a mask over her mouth to cover her scars as well as helps her breathe on the surface. The choker she wears has a gold band and a black button on it and it helps her to speak. She occasionally wears goggles and a thick, grey, wool poncho.

Personality: Reclusive. Nice, but terrified of humans.
What is she?: She is a steampunk style cyborg. Her whole left side was crushed in an accident so she has a metal lung, robotic eye, and a metal arm and leg. She can shoot plasma from her hand.

Short story: Zenobia was a miner and one day while she was working with her group, the tunnel they were in collapsed and everyone died except for her. A doctor working on the site took her and tried to reconstruct her body using scrap mining equipment (that’s why she looks like a steampunk cyborg). After working on her and teaching her how to repair herself if anything broke, he was arrested for stealing and taken to the prison. Zenobia continued to repair herself until everything was fixed (mostly). She decided that it was probably best that no one see her. She also decided to try her hand building her own things out of scrap. While working on a project, she accidentally dropped one of her tools down a maintenance shaft. She decided to jump in after it and when she got to the bottom, she found that there was an abandoned emergency exit to the surface. She now comes and goes as she pleases, collecting scrap and building machines to help her do stuff. She has met people on the surface before and she has tried to get them to go back to the bunker but they won't go so they just end up dying. No one knows she's alive.