
  • Thief - The Silent Ninja

  • Age Adolescent - about 13
  • Gender Cisfemale - She/Her
  • Species Quilava
  • Level 19
  • Text Color #c77826 - Goldochre


Perceptive • Cautious • Stealthy • Determined


This silent ninja is the epitome of stealth. You'll never hear her make a sound, on account of her being mute and silence being a ninjas greatest tool. Her trainer taught her well, and she's proud of those roots. Thief couldn't imagine herself without the skills she has today, hell she wouldn't even be here without the grace of her master, and thus always honors the code she was raised by.

But Thief isn't all business and no fun. She's still a kid after all, and won't pass an opportunity to make friends and play if she can. It's hard to let go, but those small breaks help keep her morality grounded. It always ends too soon though, as her sense of duty always spoils the fun, reminding her to always hone her skills and remember what she's searching for.

Thief is a young Pokemon, spry with quick feet and bounding muscles. Her silver eyes gleam with youth, while her pelt is shiny with good health. Her long body shows no scars or blemishes aside from some missing teeth from her rocky tumble. That same event tore out one of her claws, but it has since been replaced with a sturdy Quick Claw.

Her most noticeable feature would be her accessory; a long scarf that once belonged to her trainer. Not intended for someone her size its easily two and a half times her body length or longer, with the bulk of the material being wrapped around her neck and mouth. The fabric is light enough to be lifted by the hot air formed by her back flame, and it billows dramatically whenever this happens. She keeps her flames extinguished most of the time unless she is preparing for battle or angered, as it helps her remain stealthy. Though quiet, this mute girl still wishes to communicate and has taken to being overly dramatic with her expressions and hand motions.

Important Design Notes:

  • Unusual silver eyes (can have a slight purple hue).
  • Extra long scarf that always covers her mouth. Can be drawn with or without frayed ends.
  • Only lights flames in combat.
height 2’11”

Weight 41.9 lbs

Item Quick Claw / Long Red Scarf

Ability Blaze

Nature Careful

Characteristic Often Lost in Thought

Birthplace Route 45, Johto

Trainer Status Lost / Seperated

Orientation Panromantic

Devotion Legendary Beasts

Name Origin Word meaning One who steals without force or violence.

Inspiration Ninjas


  • Roasted Carrots/Yams
  • Overripe Berries
  • Clear, starry nights


  • Water / Rivers / Storms
  • Crowds / Busy Enviorments
  • Swimming + Drowning
  • Medical Smells

Character Traits


Dark Water

”We shouldn’t be here!” The wild Cyndaquil protested shrilly. Her two brothers ignored her and continued up the rough dirt path to the stunted Leppa tree, forcing their sister into a run to catch up with them. “I guess we’re just going to have to eat all the delicious berries ourselves then,” one of her brothers replies snidely. Both the male Cyndaquil’s braced their stubby legs against the ancient tree trunk and pushed. The wood creaked ominously as the movement causes the fruit laden branches above to wave.

The female Cyndaquil looked down nervously. All that separated them from the rushing, spitting froth of the ice-cold wild river was the worn grey stone that was held in place by the tree's twisting roots. “Mom said-“ She mutters in one last attempt to get her brothers to see reason. “Mom’s not here,” Her other brother cuts her off, “Are you going to help push or not?” A stone tumbled down the cliff and vanished in the foam.

“N-no.” The female Cyndaquil stutters, taking a few nervous steps backwards. “I’m going to go tell Mom, I’m-” As she takes another nervous step backwards the loose grey shale slips under her clawed foot and the ground crumbles away underneath her. With a final piercing shriek of terror the tiny fire type falls into the foaming rapids below.

“Help me!” She screams loudly as the flames on her back are instantly snuffed out. Desperately she fights against the powerful current to refill her lungs with air for another scream before the violent current drags her head under. The Cyndaquil is completely blinded by the whirling white water and the pressure of the current is so strong it pins her limbs to her sides and stops her from swimming back to the surface. The rolling river slams her harshly against the gravelly river bed and the larger protruding rocks, bruising her badly. The claw of her right forepaw catches between some rocks for a split second before the current pulls her away and brutally wrenches the claw from her hand. The spiral of red blood is washed away to nothing as soon as it can ooze from her wound.


Struggling futilely as river bed and sky exchange places and spiral around her the icy water drove fangs of bitter cold into the Cyndaquil’s teal fur. Her lungs burned with her swallowed screams as she fought desperately for air. Smash! Another boulder hits her side and sends her spinning. Smash, smash, smash! Like a living billiards ball the tiny Fire Type is bounced downstream.


Smash! A tree branch catches her stomach, bubbles of air flying from her mouth that are immediately swallowed by the rapids. By instinct she draws in a breath to scream, only to allow water to flood in her open mouth and down her throat, chilling her inside as well as out. Unable to breath, and large fuzzy patches of blackness becoming the only constant thing in the whirling landscape, the Cyndaquil runs out of strength to fight the water’s pull. The next stone she collides with she hits head on and her head snaps to the side. She falls unconscious immediately and never even feels the waterfall.


Bright Fire


The Cyndaquil cracks open one bruised eye a fraction. In front of her was the warmth of crackling flames. ‘Mother...' she thought blearily and closed her eye again. “You took quite a drubbing there girl…” A voice said; a strange voice that was definitely not her mothers. The Cyndaquil forced her eye to open wider. The flames were not the comforting warmth of a Typhlosion’s collar; they were weaker and flickered over a pile of dry wood. Every inch of the Cyndaquil’s body felt bruised to a pulp and she didn’t have the strength to turn her head to see the speaker.

Warm hands gripped the fur under her neck and carefully lifted her head while shoving something under her snout. “Come on girl, drink some of this.” The fire type didn't respond. When the voice realized the Cyndaquil couldn’t move well enough to drink by herself its fingers carefully pried open her jaws (taking care to avoid the tender red abyss where some of her teeth had been knocked out) and tipped a bit of warmed berry juice down her throat. Wincing with pain the Cyndaquil swallowed, the healing liquid driving the river’s chill from her insides, and tried to call for her mother.

As he opened her mouth she tried to make a sound but her throat tensed up and closed. No matter what she was trying to say the Cyndaquil could not make so much as a squeak for some deep-seated fear it would allow the cold water back into her body. Instead the Cyndaquil remained quiet and slept.

Her rescuer was a Ninja Pokemon trainer, an Iga Nin, who had seen her dark green fur at the foot of the waterfall caught in the branches of a fallen tree. Feeling a flicker of life in the scrap of fur he had taken her back home with him and pushed the water from her body. He used up all his potions on repairing her cuts and bruises, and replaced her torn away claw with one of metal. Still, long after her bruises had healed, the Cyndaquil was not able to voice a single sound to him in return. The Ninja instead filled the silence between them with his words; words of his village, of his mission and of the other Pokemon he had left behind. The Cyndaquil ate up these stories with awe and interest.

He named her Thief for the way she always ate her food (as she would hold it tight in the corner as if she had stolen it) and the way she constantly 'stole' the scarf around his neck and snuggled up in it. Slowly the Cyndaquil lost hope of finding her family again; when she had finally healed enough to go outside she could not see the twisted Leppa tree at all, nor the shale path and cliffside. Never the less she was well looked after and became well instructed in the arts of battle, learning skills and tricks she never would have learned in the wild and, to her surprise, found herself evolving.
Her trainer was so proud.

Silent Night

Cold, so cold…

They came during the night while Thief and her master slept by that very same river. A mother Typhlosion and her two Cyndaquil sons with blank red eyes and no flicker of flame playing along their backs, still dripping wet from the icy cold water and battered from being swept downstream. “Come back…” Instantly Thief’s eyes flickered open at the sound of her mother’s voice. “Come back to us…” Urgently the Quilava nuzzled at her slumbering trainer. Thinking the sound nothing more than the regular calls of wild pokemon the Ninja merely rolled over and slept on. Her attempts to scream out in warning nearly choking her, the panicked Quilava sunk her sharp teeth into her trainers arm. With a yelp he finally awoke to see the torn bloated bodies of the Typhlosion and her young advancing clumsily towards him.

“Come back.” The mother told her daughter but her voice had no trace of love left in it. It was blank and ethereal. “Be one of us.” One of her brothers says equally eerily. Fearfully Thief’s silver eyes are drawn to the gaping gap where one of her brothers legs had once been. The river has wrenched it clean off, but he gave no indication of noticing. She fires up her back flames brightly as her trainer stands. “Come back,” The Typhlosion lumbers forwards, one massive paw raised for a crushing blow and Thief quickly attacks before it can hit. There was still a hint of the warm charcoal scent of her mother beneath the stink of decay... The Typhlosion stumbles backwards and her paw sweeps around to firmly hit the Quilava is away. Thief's paws scrabble for a grip as she rolls across the ground, and the panic increases as she's thrown back into the freezing cold river.

Every one of her nightmares surface at once as the fire type once again finds herself struggling against the swift current dragging her away from her trainer. The water drags her under and the Quilava lets it, pushing off the rocky riverbed to surface and gasp in air, her paws casting around for something to grab hold of before the current can drag her under again. By the time her shining metallic claw manages to catch against a boulder and she can drag herself back onto land her familiar forest had been left long behind. The sun was starting to rise but nothing looked familiar, no path or landmark no matter how far in the distance she looked..
Drying out the long red scarf on her back flame Thief swiftly began her long journey back up the mountain to find her trainer, vowing not to stop until she found him again.



| Silent | Curious | Stealthy | Vigilant | Awkward | Careful | Solemn | Hasty | Generous | Stoic | Determined | Observant | Playful | Gentle | Affectionate | Afraid | Acts Brave | Reckless | Proud | Uneasy | Mischievous | Apprehensive | Quick-witted | Honorable | Desperate | Somber | Lonely |

Thief is a young Pokemon, born and raised far from human civilization. Even with her master's teachings she learned next to nothing of humans, their cities, or their technology. Traveling and experiencing these new things on her own has been overwhelming, and this wary Pokemon remains very suspicious of others. She can't quiet tell trainers Pokemon from wild ones, nor friend from foe, but knows some Pokemon should be feared for their power. With stealth being her first line of defense she prefers to stay hidden, learning about others by following them before approaching. Only when she's sure of her own safety, such as making note of ways out, will she approach with extreme caution.

As timid as she may be once she warms up to you Thief is an entirely different Pokemon. Cuddly and sweet, she is hardly more than a playful child, wanting to enjoy life and spend time with others. She's friendly, giving, and even a little mischievous. She's a bit of an awkward kid, not expecting kindness from others or knowing how to express her true feelings, but she's loyal to those she cares about and never forgets a kindness. In another life, she would have made for a perfect starter Pokemon, but instead she's a ninja's partner through and through.

This honorary Iga has taken all of her lessons to heart, from movements, to combat, to philosophy. Despite her low level she has technical knowledge that allows her to defeat more powerful opponents. Because of the way she has been trained Thief’s path through enemies is often so fast it can only be traced by the trail left by her scarf flying behind her. She truly absorbed all the her master taught her and sometimes its easy to forget she's still just a kid. Taught to be brave, to act fearless, to move through her enemies, Thief often places the safety of others above her own. Using her speed she will race into a dangerous situation to save another, or intimidate an enemy with her flames to allow someone to escape. Though she is careful, this behavior can make her reckless. She'll take risks from her own bravado that she really shouldn't and blame herself for not being good enough when they go awry.

At the end of the day this young Pokemon wants nothing more than to get back to her trainer. He's the most important thing in her life, and the event that lead to their separation fills her with dread and anxiety. She's constantly worrying about him and his safety, and how she should have made it back to him by now. If another Pokemon brings up their trainer she can not hide the sadness from her face. It can be hard to remain positive when she has struggled so much to get back to him but feels no closer to their reunion, and its felt a somber wound in her determination. Sometimes, its overwhelming, and the Pokemon grows distant within her own thoughts. Forgetting herself, Thief will stand on her hind legs and stares into the distance with a paw raised to her scarf, just thinking. What happened to her family, to her trainer? Did either think of her, were they even alive?
It can be a hard spell to break when Thief gets into these somber fits, but new friends have helped her recover from them. Life has been lonely since her separation, so she cares deeply for her new companions and wants to stay with and protect them, but even that has caused a juxtaposition by dividing her loyalties.

Thief has a deep seeded fear of water. While its normal for fire types to avoid such things the Quilava can feel her very body shut down at the thought of touching a moving river. Its embarrassing, shameful to be so afraid over a mere puddle, and she is trying very hard to overcome her fear. It's.. not going that great, and rivers are still a terrifying sight, but its something she's determined to grow past.


A Silent Voice

[ Mute ] Trauma is a hard thing to forget, and Thief's accident left her with a very noticeable side effect. Her muteness can not be ignored, effecting her in nearly every interaction she has with other Pokemon. It can make her seem shy or antisocial, as though she does not care about others or is too afraid to introduce herself. She tries her best to work around her flaw, making noise with outside objects when needed, and using wide, expressive gestures and faces. She has become a big 'hands talker' with her charades, and that along with covering her mouth with her scarf has slightly helped others realize its not a choice.

Introductions aside, a quiet life has not been easy to adjust to. As a timid child she only ever tattles and whined, never having the courage to be outspoken, but now she does not have that choice. She can't call out danger, explain things in depth, ask if someone saw her trainer, or even say her name. Gestures have their limit, something she has had to learn the hard way. How does she explain she's lost, what happened to her family, or that she's a ninja? Often she wonders, if she still had her voice, would she have been able to warn her trainer in time..? At this point Thief has forgotten the sound of her own voice, and doubts she would recognize it if it ever comes back.

Little does she realize her muteness is psychosomatic rather than permanent, meaning only an event of equal trauma as her near drowning can restore her voice. Volunteering for further trauma isn't high on her priority list, and her new training has helped prevent such a horrifying thing from happening again. That, and her avoidance of rapid water makes it unclear if she will ever be able to speak again.


Other Notes:

  • Has a reoccurring nightmare where a friend is drowning her by holding her head underwater.
  • Is afraid of water and getting wet. Although she can swim she loathes doing so.
  • Her scarf is inspired by the one worn by the main character of the Shinobi Videogames.
  • Her trainer belonged to one of the two most well known Ninja clans, the Iga.
  • She's missing several teeth and as such has a preference for softer foods. She loves meat, but often struggles to eat it. Usually she will cook her foods in an effort to tenderize them. However, she also struggles to eat in front of others and has not broken her habit of eating while balled up in a corner.

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