Megumi Akabane



4 years, 5 months ago


Megumi Akabane

19 . Female
  • fire - bending
  • spicy foods
  • sweets!
  • annoying Avani
  • green 
  • water
  • robes

Ehh? You look surprised... Never seen a beauty like me before?

Ahahaha... I'm just teasing. Sorry. Maybe... Megumi Akabane, firebender at your service. I've never really been off Crescent Island before so everything is practically new to me. I think 'ran away' is a more appropriate term for my case

You can't blame me though, the place is rather boring for someone who has stayed there her whole life. Even the volcano has long lost it's appeal to me


Megumi considers herself to be a mature person, while those who know her would only say it’s true to some degree. In their nation’s court, she can be likened to the noblewomen: serene, graceful, knowledgeable and talented. Her composure is one of her strong suits, she isn’t easily rattled at new situations making her very adaptable and, as much as possible, she avoids confrontations reasoning, “… it’s going to mess my hair up”. Whether she is concerned for her appearance or not, she never tells  

Living a bit of a sheltered life has preserved Megumi’s childlike curiosity. When faced with something or shown with the prospect of learning something, she just drops about anything she is doing and gives it her rapt attention. This side of hers had earned a couple of ‘childish’ remarks 

Another downside to Megumi’s personality is how she tends to hold a grudge. She is actually very patient, so if one ever makes the mistake of pushing that to the limit, it is hard to get back to her good side


Even with her persona, Avani calls her ‘detached’ quite often. Though, when asked, he never seems to fully explain why, simply says, “Sometimes her smile bothers me, like it was conveying something I don’t know and she would never tell” He is also going to point out her incessant amount of luck. The man is still seething over his loss to her