


4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Miel
Species: Slimeander
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/its
Roles: predator, dominant
Personality: Sly, arrogant, and opportunistic, Miel is one handful of a lizard. He's almost always hungry, and his primary motivation in most situations is in finding another meal to snack on. He doesn't tend to be terribly social when it doesn't meet that end, but when he tries he can be very charming. Some of his positive qualities are that he's loyal to the few he trusts, can be helpful (when it suits him), and is very intelligent, that last one for better or worse. He favors prey that have traits he wants.

  • Goo physiology: Miel is made entirely out of a semipermeable, gooey substance. He can manipulate his body to do minor shapeshifting, although he can't give himself new abilities with it, such as flight or increased strength. His body is relatively sturdy, but when it takes damage, Miel can reform lost parts from his remaining goo supply at the expense of his overall size. He replenishes his body mass by consuming prey, and can go as small as a typical lizard before needing to restock.
  • Absorption: Along with consuming prey normally to replenish his body mass, Miel is able to absorb prey and assimilate traits of his choosing, incorporating them into himself. This can range from physique to abilities to personality and memories. He can absorb prey through any part of himself, but typically favors pulling prey in through his tail or swallowing them down his maw. Stronger prey are more difficult to absorb and can escape given sufficient force.


  • Strength: A
  • Speed: B
  • Durability: B
  • Intelligence: B
  • Dexterity: C

Likes: finding and consuming prey, loafing around, being a Hungry Gooey Bastard
Dislikes: losing prey, making compromises