Ryuu Turrvos



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Ryuu

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Dunno

Birthday: September 17

Zodiac: Virgo

Biology: Uhhh, he's a serpent boi. (dragon )He's a big bby when it comes to anything cold, but he's a rather toughed-skinned individual.  

Strengths: Musically inclined. Generous. Easy going. Adaptable.

Weaknesses: Doormat. Lazy. (for a dragon) Commitment issues. Oblivious.

Likes: Food (anything fried) All music genres. Memes.

Dislikes: Horror films. Cold weather. Large bodies of water.

Personality: He likes to consider himself an average guy. Willing to lend a hand.... if he's not too lazy. He's not much of a conversation starter but he does like people. Annnnd, typically he's bad at defending himself cause he doesn't like conflict. (He's a big ol' pacifist.)

Profession: Professional Hobo. All he knows how to do is play music.  

Backstory: Been on the road his whole life. A homeless orphan who learned how to play music from train hoppers. He doesn't know a damn thing about his serpent nature nor where he comes from. He doesn't like staying in one place for very long. Bit of a wanderer.