


4 years, 5 months ago


Basil, 23 and female, 5 foot and 10 inches tall, skinny all around and tall looking, her species is deer. She hangs out with luna often, she considers luna her only friend after a long history of losing friends due to her separating herself from society. Though she may be quiet and generally prefers to be alone, she will help anyone in any way possible. Basil believes that if she can help others with their problems, they wont have to feel the way she does in life. She has had a lot of bad experiences in her life up to this point, people she trusted betraying her, her friends turning on her, constantly being told she isn't good enough and that shes a disappointment, and all that. Basil tries her hardest to make people happy even when she isn't doing her best, even if people don't know her situation, she thinks everyone should feel wonderful. Anyway Basil loves to play her gameboy advance that she found one night alone under a bridge. Her favorite food is French Fries and she often goes out to eat to avoid having to put too much effort into making food. Basil has light coffee tan colored fur. She wears heavy black mascara and she has a black hoodie that she usually puts her hands into. Basil also wears long and tight black pants. Her hair is dark blue and is very long and wavy, unkept and generally messy. Her eye color is brown. Her sexuality is pansexual.