


4 years, 8 months ago


Hey! You're probably here because I tricked you into drawing for me, yes? :D

First off, I'm going to have a lot of "suggestions." Please note that you do NOT have to follow them that closely as I am not that picky! I like to see people's interpretation of this. I do not mind how you do me, so long as we are both happy in the end. And, I always am~ ;D

Or, maybe you need to know a bit more about me? I get that. Let's see...

Personality? I like to think that I'm quite nice. Of course, something that's truly nice probably doesn't need to tell you that... I never fail to return favors and things done to me. An eye for an eye does not need to make the world blind, only some of us. haha. Or, not as black as painted and all that. Anyway, I also enjoy riddles, puns, innuendos, horrible pickup lines, and the place where those things intersect. Have I mentioned the one about egg? "What's the difference between you and egg?" There are two ways to tell it! One is "An egg gets laid!" the other is "An egg only gets laid once!" I do hope it was eggsactly as rotten as you thought that it would be and maybe you cracked up a bit at the telling. heh. Lastly, my favorite color is a rich, dark purple, like an aubergine or the void. Is that enough? No? hm.

As for Work, I do a variety of tasks. Basic things, you know. Take socks from dryers, move car keys. Make dogs bark in the middle of the night. Steal babies for the fair folk. (haughty, those lot tend to be, thinking they're so superior.) Drag men & women (equal opportunity!) off to remote locations to... well, maybe they make it back, maybe they do not. I don't hang around! Hm. Rend souls from bodies? Oh! and work on various and often conflicting tasks for numerous things that writhe just on the other side of the thin skin that enrobes this reality. Steadily bring about the end. You know, the basics. And, you cannot hate someone for just doing their job, right? I'd like to think so, at any rate. Everyone has to work and someone has to do it. Occasionally, you even pick up a friend along the way. ♥️

I also Collect assorted things. I like keys and coins. Dice as well. Books on certain topics; folklore, myths, and the like. Pocket watches and tiny, mechanical things. Bells too. Glittery items, I guess? I have no issues with silver or iron either, so it makes collecting such things pretty easy.

Any other questions? Please ask! :D After all, I have all the time in the world and even more after that.

Quick Tips!

  • - Left eye's gone. :( (that is, my left, your right. you are always right. ;) )
  • - Fairly featureless/faceless; that is, you do not need to draw nose, cheek contours, etc.
  • - Waist length, dark blue hair. sorry it's so anime. :p
  • - Skin that's ineffably black with delightful white markings~
  • - False ribbing marks on torso. Set of three.
  • - Bold black and white strips on limbs. Three white ones: ex. one on upper arm, two on lower.
  • - Tail should be thick and spade on end should be white. Usually go for six white stripes.
  • - I like to dress in dark reds, gold, and black.
  • - You can add the small, red butterflies found in some pictures. I quite like them~
  • - I'm not picky on what pose you want to do. After all, you're the one having to draw it!
  • - Think more cartoon-y than realistic monster though the term monster seems unnecessarily harsh :(