
4 years, 5 months ago



caring • obedient • melancholic

Trans Male
Siberian Tiger || Japanese
Polite, yet anxious

"Write a quote here...."

A former bandit trying to live his life anew as a tea house worker.




Taro is a man of mystery, speaking little about himself to just about anyone. His past and burdens are easily buried under a hatchet; never to be brought up to others. Ever. But the affects of keeping everything in is extremely obvious as it takes a notable toll on him. Expressing sadness just about his daily life to crying over something minor. Whatever is the cause for this reaction is somewhat linked to Taro's overly cautious nature as he's afraid of overstepping the line with others. He's extremely harsh on himself, but this is due to an incident that resulted him being over analytical over any minor thing he does. He's more prone to be an anxious bundle of mess when mingling too much with prey type hybrids, but also exhibits his anxiety ridden traits among fellow predators.

Taro lacks any form of self confidence on his behalf, making him easy to manipulate as he's more of a follower than anything. He takes others' words for granted, being both good and bad. This is highlighted in his past as he used to be tangled up with bad apples and doing a few bad things not quite knowing better. He's a bit more aware of it now, but the damage he's caused on others in the past just rubs salt into his old wounds. Leading him to be depressed about his past actions for the evening. He's also extremely self conscious about coming off as too intimidating to others. Pretty much, if he takes the hint that someone is scared by him it'll leave him as a depressed mess for d-a-y-s. To simply put it, he's a big crybaby.

Once you get close to Taro, you'll find that he's a very gentle giant. Taking careful consideration of others to the point that it can be seen as borderline people pleasing. He does whatever he can to make the other party content or just...not too intimidated by him. He pretty much relies on the happiness of the other party aka very quick to put others before himself.


[tldr; A momma's boy that grew clingy to his mother and pretty much dependent on her for pretty much everything. He didn't learn how to be dependent until late on in life when he was suppose to leave his home. Refusing to leave home and wanting to stay by his mom's side forever, he had to be abandoned in an unfamiliar place. Clueless on what to do next, Taro waited hoping it was a mistake only to realize he truly was alone. Desperate to figure out some sort of direction in his life, Taro strayed off on his own looking for someone to pretty much latch on. Fast forward to him unknowingly joining the bandits as he had some sort of purpose in life and was fine with being told what to do. It never really sunk in what he was doing was bad since Taro pretty much got what he wanted; someone to follow. It literally took him to develop a crush and have that pretty much fall apart the minute he was in touch with his awful nature (hint: he basically attempted to chomp chomp his crush. Ya know). It was a cruel wake up call, but Taro eventually gave up on his bandit life and basically ran off and started all over. He's extremely private about his past life and avoids questions of the sorts. ]

The life of a tiger isn’t an easy one to live through. At a young age, Taro was expected to be fully capable on his own. This involves depending on his survival instincts to basically taking care of himself once he was on his own. Of course, Taro was a rather...clingy as a child. Wanting an excessive amount of affection and for his parents to help him with just about everything. It didn’t help that at a ripe age, Taro was allowed to stay with his mother just a bit longer until he hit his teen years.

His mother loved him dearly, but her adoration for her child led to him wanting to latch onto her for just about everything. She pretty much baby stepped him through everything to even catching meals for him. Eventually, when Taro was reaching his teens it was time to put the babying habit to a halt. The closer he was to being 16, the more Taro was expected to understand how to pretty much take care of himself. He wasn’t ever going to be by his mother his entire life and the realization struck hard with Taro. Over the years, he kind of grew dependent on trying to figure out what he should do under someone’s guidance.

Eventually, his mother pried her child away from her growing more distant and making Taro take up his responsibilities. The sudden change took Taro by surprise and overtime he grew more and more desperate in latching on her. Alas, he couldn't stay side-by-side by her forever. It eventually ended with him having to be kicked out from home. Basically being led to an area he couldn't navigate well and was left behind.

Struck by the sudden abandonment, Taro couldn't help but wander around the unfamiliar area crying to himself to eventually waiting for days for someone to return.

Yet, no avail.

Overtime, Taro began to lose more and more hope of someone coming back for him and eventually settled with finally branching off on his own. The reality of his situation stung for the young teen. All alone in a world he had yet to experience. He grew desperate to find someone to provide guidance to him or something to give his life some sort of meaning to it. Unfortunately, Taro lacked the experience to fully distinguish who were fully good or just plain vile. At the time, he was just about ready to find anyone who would take him under their wing.

His poor judgement and desperation led him to find peace in a bad crowd opposed to a good one. Essentially, he was tricked into joining some bandits through acts of kindness and persuasion that lead him to the idea of how the bandit life proved to be beneficial. Taro's view of the world slowly warped as he was fed false information about others and how he was in the right for doing the things he did. Over time, Taro grew crueler and crueler, fully believing he was exactly where he wanted to be in life.


In his early 20s, his mind began to change as he met someone new. A prey.

And just like that...Taro fell in love. Well, a small crush. He realized overtime that he wanted to change and do everything to protect this person. During his duration with his crush, Taro lost interest in participating in his bandit activities to be with the person more. Never explicitly telling them about his bandit life in hopes to secure their relationship. Of course, this was short lived and his secret was exposed.

In no time, Taro's world shattered. The person he cared so much for, grew afraid of him and began yelling at him and crying about they had thought he was different but instead he was just a monster. He wasn't nice. He was cruel. He hurt others. And eventually...he nearly hurt the person he loved the most.

The truth hurt and Taro snapped out of his predatory instinct only to grow terrified of himself and detesting the very person he had become.

Not even having any second thoughts, Taro ran off again. Ditching his life as a bandit and hoping to live life anew in hopes to amend the errors of his ways.


  • Was a huge mama's boy + also clingy af as a child
  • Missing his left ring finger it's more obvious when his arm/hand isn't hidden
  • Has 4 siblings. All brothers and all living on their own. I'm sure a good chunk of them are living their life as ronins. Taro has ran into one of them before only to never cross paths with him again.
  • He has stripes on his back
  • Owns a's...somewhere. Probably a door holder who knows he ain't using it



Character [ relationship ]

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