


4 years, 5 months ago




Name Chino
Complete Name Chino Asida
Age Young Adult
Gender Female
Race Aquatic Wolf
Role Queen of the Oasis
Theme Dance Monkey


Chino is an aquatic wolf who is brave, empathic, can be shy at specials moment, kind, friendly and loyal. She is protecive with the persons that she loves and she had an hard story. Chino is a female wolf that had a really special past before become the queen of the Oasis. Before, she was the pet of the Queen, Viper. She was loyal and have protect her owner a lots of times from differents things: Kidnapping, Means Comments, Attack ect. Chino was really smart and she understood the language of canines. At this time, she was a raptor wolf. She had a long raptor tail and some sharp claws at the back paws. She didnt had her look now. But one day, the queen and the king, Viper and Nick told to her that they wasent looking at her like a pet but like a daughter. Viper had some strongs powers and she did two rituals to Chino: One for she can talk and an other for she loko like ot her mother, who was a dark green aquatic wolf. Chino took the sme secondary color than her mother, yellow sand but her primary color has been a dark blue. She has keep her sharp pupils and her hair style. She keept some others things too. Chino has became princess after this and soon, she became Tennager. She met the lover of her life, Tide. They have pass fabulous and romantics moments togheter. When she was teenager, her father Nick has left the royal pyramid for a big quest where he needed to go in an other kingdom. Viper had give birth to a male, the bro of Chino: Toxic. First, she was not sure if she needed to like him or not but finally he was always king with her and they became more near. One day, Viper died and Chino had to replace her but she was not officially queen cause his father was not dead. But finally, the Oasis kingdom had the sad new that Nick died when a meeting didnt passed good. Viper had alliate her kingdom with the Ocean one, who was lead by the Queen Atlantic. Tide and Chino leaded their kingdom in a really great way. But one day, the mate of Atlantic named Echo has been muder by the ice Kingdom and Atlantic has train Chino nad her kingdom in a big war against the ice wolves. It has been horrible: 20 wolves from the Oasis, 36 wolves from the Ocean and 58 wolves from the Ice died this day. By luck, Tide, Atlantic and Chino surivved. One year after this episode, Tide and Chino had three cutes twins aquatics pups: two males and one female. In the Oasis kingdom, the royal family dont decide the names of their females pups: its the Lord Anubis that decide of them. Anubis is the god of all the Oasis and he is different from others gods: he talk to the prietress and the royal family. The Royal prietress of the Oasis kingdom is Sasory, a mysterious raptor wolf that Chino dont really trust, what can make her god hangry against her. Chino has name her two pups males Aquatic and Oberon. She she visited Lord Anubis for talk about her new childrens, he was in a big rage. He told to her: -You cant do things right, true?! Is this a joke?! TWO males and one runt female?! You know it, Chino! Its the royals females that will rules the kingdom when they will grown up, not the princes!! Its for this that I give you four names Choices: Mistake, Sorrow, Peril or Earthquake. My favorite is Mistake, of course. But I need to make choice for you! Choose this week or ill come to kill this runt pup! - After this meeting with her Lord, Chino was so worried about the futur of her daughter. She told all bout the meeting with Anubis to Tide, and he was in the same way than Chino about this. Finally, they decidd togheter to choose Earthquake. Queen Earthquake was sounding good. When they announce it to Lord Anubis, this one was not really happy of their choices and to the furutr queen but he told nothing against their choice. Finally, the queen Chino took back her throne when her kids had a bit grown up. All was doing right: there was not too much deaths in her kingdom, her kids were grounign up in a good health, her brother were helping her and her mate was so kind and sweet with her. And Anubis and Sasory didnt talked a lots to her this year. But one day, we still dont know who but someone killed Aquatic and Oberon at their birhtday. The rest of the royal family have been so sad about this. The same day, Earthquake ssuicid herself cause that her two dear brothers leaved her forever. This time, Tide and Chino didnt took this big shot in a good way. Tide felt in a big depression and Chino just layed in her den, alone all the day. Because of a strange sickness, Tide loose all his emotions in this depression and he was feeling nothing in case of emotions exept the pain and the sadness. When Chino stoodd up for the first time while 2 weeks, it has been Sasory the first to go see her and welcome her back. Chino has been surprise about that and started to more appreciate this sassy and mysterious wolf that were wearing a skull mask on her head. When she went to see if Tide was alright, she didnt found him in a really good way. He was all destroy and wasent really thinking. When she started to talk to him each days about what they felt when they met, he was founding back the good emotions slowly. Finally, he found all of them back and the queen and the king took back their throne. Its at this time that Nick came back. He met for the first time his son Toxic and they were really near after one week passed togheter. Chino talked to her father about all the event and that he have been grandpa for one year when they had free times togheter, alone. She cryed a lots when she talked about her pups to her father. An half-year later after her dad came back, Toxic and Nick had been attacked too and died. Chino was strong, by luck or she would have the same idea that Earthquake but she was thinking about what Tide would feel of she would do this. After this, Chino gave the throne to an other female that was suppose to be a far cousin of her, Calypso. Chino and Tide went to live in a peaceful den, far from all these royals attacks. This year, Chino met Cinder, the legendary spirit of the water. It was her who had train Tide when he was young to fight and learned to him many thigns like how to read. But this same year, five months after the meeting of Cinder, Tide talk to Chino about a cancer that he had while already one year. He wouldnt survived a lots more longer. Chino has cry in his fur a long time and when her lover felt asleep, she has run into the royal pyramid and ask help to everyone. Finally, a male named Trop told her to bring now her lover. Its what she did, by putting him on her back. When she bring Tide to Trop, this one tryed to save Tide by the dark magic, that Sasory could do. If this one have been there, it could have save Tide but by no luck, she needed to travel to an other kingdom while the rest of the year. When Tide died, Chino couldnt stay joyful. She passed a lots of days in her dens, letting enter no one exept Sasory that were checking her health each 3 days. Chino, after 2 months in her den came back outside and started to walk each days. She met new personss that became her friends, like Red Eye, Canula, Pine and Boa. She will never love again and dont wwant others pups, ever. She dont want to forget, she want to remember and its for this that each night, she take one hour to all her family: Viper, Nick, Toxic, Aquatic, Oberon, Earthquake and Tide. She take a 10 mim. for Sasory and all her others friends like Atlantic too.


Healing competence



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