
4 years, 5 months ago





"Fate has a habit of not letting us choose our own endings."


10 Moons


She's young. Hasn't really thought about it.

“I prayed my mind be good to me."


A softly shaded brown feline befitting her name. Hare holds herself in a way that speaks to her anxious youth, with a lowered frame and a low-hanging tail, as though she is trying to melt into the background. Still, her strides are strong and natural, showing decisiveness and determination. Her pelt is of medium length, though growing thicker and longer at her chest. It is downy-soft, as though she never outgrew her kitten fluff. The aura she exudes is that of scholarly curiosity and mysterious secrecy from this scholar’s lack of expressed opinions.

Hare is a collection of softened hues, a mural of cedar, umber, with a hint of cream. There are parts of her that are a striking white. On one side of her face, her paws and legs, body, and tail. There are bandings in an umber shade that wrap around her legs, appearing to strengthen and weaken in opacity without reason. Her chest, belly, and tail-tip is a subtle cream hue. Her ears are large, suggesting that somewhere in her blood there is oriental heritage. Her face is plump with kitten fluff and youth. She has raised cheek bones that seem to be fighting against the innocent look she harbors, and she wishes that the kitten-like appearance would just fade already. Her eyes are wide and consuming, holding a lot of weight and intelligence for someone so young. They are a vibrant nectar and copper shade.

Her overall vibe is that of a shy cat who would rather keep her more troubling thoughts to herself, but has enough focus and observational knowledge that she is very present in the moment. Her overall appearance is youthful and clean, though probably underweight due to her former lifestyle. Her scent is a delicate rose and ivy, mixed with a hint of dampness.

"For we receive the due reward of our deeds."


Unlike a lot of youth, Hare has the unrivaled ability to keep her mouth shut. Excessively. Due to her single mother upbringing, and that mother’s obsessive worry and stress, Hare has learned that, unless the information she holds is important to the subject at paw, it gets buried. This includes worries and the like, as well as mistakes and mishaps that she might have made, or danger she could have narrowly dodged. She lacks the trust in others to open up to them, even after they have proven themselves to her in someway. This she-cat finds the world to be an astonishing place with many secrets and different perspectives and she shows a strong will and a desire to understand as many things as she possibly can, fixing her with quite a scholarly vibe.

Hare looked upon a world that was dangerous and unknown, and made it her personal mission to learn all she could. She loves learning. About the world, about those within the world, and how to exist within it. She takes every opportunity she can and drains it dry. This she-cat can become almost obsessive in her mission to learn, forgetting to eat and sleep in her pursuit of knowledge and perfection.

Hare’s worries and doubt have festered and grown within her like a pesky weed  due to the lack of openness between her and her mother. Self-doubt is strong within her, and it often takes quite a bit of coaxing to get her to the point of neutrality. Even more coaxing to get any sort of confidence. Thankfully, the she-cat is hardworking. She loves to perfect things, as mentioned, and subtly works towards the praises of those older than herself, and more seasoned in particular crafts.

She has this natural ability to sass and snark any and all who come her way, despite her shy demeanor. Though her words can often slip from her without much restraint, as though she is unaware of their existence. Therefore, a filter has yet to be spawned into existence. Though sometimes her words can press too harshly, even though that wasn’t the intention. Hare is trusting of her instincts. Her mother taught her to be, after all. Her mother preached trusting thyself, especially in dangerous situations. In times of trouble and confusion, this scholarly cat often reverts to instinct rather than intelligent thought.

[Due to her young age, it is more than likely she will go through personality changes.]

“Are we living a life that’s worth the harm?”


Hare grew up on the streets, with no one but her mother to look after her. She never had friends. After all, the streets didn't exactly cultivate kindness into the hearts of those who lived on it. No, it brought only hunger, cold, and tragedy. So Hare's mother, Cherry, had to do all she could to keep her young one safe and warm and fed. She was on a constant lookout for father figures for Hare, often leaving Hare to sit in silence and work out something, just to get her brain going.

Due to her mother's bounce between absence and total helicopter parenting and complete stressing, Hare learned to try and be the good kit so her mother didn't worry more than she had to. This is why she's such a private cat today. 

One day though, Cherry heard the rumors of a group setting down roots in the forest far away from their current "home". Wanting the safety and security of a group for Hare, they left almost immediately. On the way, the two mollies came across a traveling cat, white as snow with eyes as red as rubies. They continued to travel by his side, figuring they were traveling to the same group, so why not? Redeye, the cat they found, fit in quite nicely with their little family. He was similar to Hare in a way, curious about curious things. And when they finally reached their destination, perhaps that was their downfall. 

Redeye and Hare went to venture after an unexplained creature that they both saw. Next thing that they knew, Cherry was gone from their side and they both went off to find her. But that day was the last she ever saw of her mother.


Six - Sleeping At Last

「"I had the most vivid dream
My feet had left the ground
I was floating to heaven
But I could only look down
My mind was heavy
Running ragged with worst case scenarios
Emergency exits and the distance below
I woke up so worried that the angels let go

Oh God I'm so tired
Of being afraid

What would it feel like
To put this baggage down?
If I'm being honest
I'm not sure I'd know how."」

Saturn - Sleeping At Last

「"With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist

I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes."」

Lung - Vancouver Sleep Clinic 

「"I can't find my feet
I'm sinking in the deep
Can somebody pick me up?
The voice is too loud
I'm losing in the crowd

Because I, can't breathe
Oh, I can't breathe."」




