
Name: Lonan | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: early-mid 20's in appearance | Orientation: biromantic/demisexual | Relationship Status: taken

He's a demon with ice and cold-related powers. He's supposed to be living among the mortals to sow chaos and cause as much misery and trouble as he can, but he's not really motivated to do it. He'd rather spend time with his best friend Lilithea and help her with her own schemes than make his own. He does like to play a good prank now and again, and he's good at pulling that off-- and he's good at acting darker too when he wants to-- but most of what he does isn't out of malice. As a general rule he's fairly lazy, and is one of the demons of slothfulness-- second generation. He hates the angel Erzawa, and would really love to see him six feet under but he's nearly impossible to kill so Lonan has to put that goal on the back burner for the time being. Mostly he spends his days avoiding responsibilities (and his bosses) while doing whatever makes him happy in the moment. He's loyal to his best friend, but that's about it. He doesn't care one way or another much what happens to mortals, but he doesn't actively try to bring them suffering either. As far as he's concerned they're just there, kind of like squirrels in the forest. If they don't bother him, he doesn't bother them (for the most part) but he finds them cute/funny and likes to watch them skitter about sometimes. He's not really a bad guy, but he's not some saint by any means.