


4 years, 4 months ago


Salsa Rat
Died age 26
Cat/tiefling with longtail

Older half brother of Dasras.
Their mother was a normal cat with a long tail. Solstice's father was some normal cat.

Solstice slowly corrupts good people, making them think what they are doing is good until either they are doing this stuff on their own or gone insane. He protects the people he's working on, but once they go bad he lets them go, hoping they die before they go good again.


Solstice and Dasras lived with their mother until she got sick and was too old to fight off the sickness, so ended up dying. After she died they moved to a more secluded cave near the lake that could look out at the little village and the woods. The two brothers... as brothers would, fought a lot. Dasras wanted to get along with his older brother, but Solstice hated Dasras and always ended up picking on him. Solstice would always steal treasures and little things Dasras collected just to upset him.
Dasras ended up having a crush on a girl in the village, meeting up with her every now and then and leaving her little gifts randomly. Solstice learned about this and decided he wanted to try and mess with the relationship for fun. Solstice got his friends and they started pushing the girl around, Solstice wanted to hurt her enough to scare her away and blame Dasras. Though instead they accidentally killed her.
Solstice told Dasras about the accident and that she was dead. Dasras got angry when Solstice admitted it was his and his buddies fault. Solstice for once tried to apologize, but Dasras snapped and attacked Solstice. He ended up setting Solstice on fire, letting him burn to death.

Solstice didn't want to go as soon as he did, so in hopes he could return to Earth in anyway possible he offered himself as a worker to the Devil in hope he would get some job on Earth. He was given the job of getting more people to be sent to hell.