Finnley Hawke



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Finnley Malcolm Hawke


25+ ???




Dragon Age


They call him a savior, a Champion, but they don't truly know him. 
No one does. 
Why does it all even matter? Because when it comes down to all that he has lost to get here, it really shouldn't.

   Finnley is a very complicated person, having trouble showing affection and speaking in a way that isn't perceived as mildly irritated. Although he's not a bad man, he has a very hard time showing it, most often resorting to aggressive remarks and unneeded threats. He deeply dislikes himself and often regrets his words and actions but feels unable to really act on his true feelings.
   He dislikes unnecessary killing - as well as not aiding - people who he feels don't deserve it.
   When tragedy strikes him, as he feels it often does, he completely turns off his emotions. He locks his feelings and sorrows into a tiny little box and hides it away in the deepest parts of his heart. But sooner or later it bursts, and for hours he can only scream and cry in the emptiness of his own room. 
   His mental health is not the best.

Physical description:
   Finnley is a short, black-haired man, mostly made out of pure muscle and strong bones. His tan skin is covered in a light layer of dark hair along with a slpatter of freckles covering his nose and cheeks. His eyes are narrow, intense, and with irises the color of burning amber. He has a small scar on his jaw, a diagonal scar between his brows as well as a big one traveling over the skin between his left neck and shoulder (from their escape from Lothering). He has a tattoo of a dragon on his right upper arm.
   During Act 1 his hair is short, with a fringe covering his forehead and with a short stubble going on. After the Deep Roads trip he starts letting himself go a bit, not bothering much with hair care in Act 2, resulting in a thicker stubble and shoulder-length hair. In Act 3 his hair has grown until it reaches the middle of his chest. He puts up some of it on the back of the head to the behest of his mother.

   His father Malcolm and younger brother Carver are diseased. After that, he lost his younger sister Bethany. Mother Leandra was the only survivor.

... until she, too, died; murdered by a blood mage. Finnley never really let that go.

   As for Bethany; she followed Finnley down to the deep roads but tragically lost her life in the process.  
   Gamlen died in the chaos of the mage-templar battles. Finnley didn't mourn him.

   Bethany and Finnley were always close, always being able to speak freely with each other and sharing secrets and worries. His relationship with Carver was fine but not nearly as deep as with their sister. 
   He always had a sort of distant respect for his father, being slightly scared of his serious and strict nature while still taking after Malcolm's stoic masculinity. 

Significant other: 
   Anders. They have a sort of love-hate relationship going on. It's not very healthy for either of them.

[Basically game canon] 

   It wasn't until the middle of his teens that he realized that he was only interested in men. He felt horribly guilty about it and scared to tell anyone but did end up trusting Bethany with his secret. He's alright with it as an adult but is never truly comfortable enough for PDA. 
   They lived in Lothering until the Blight came and they all had to flee to Kirkwall. 

Ongoing story:
[Basically game canon]
   He always tries his best to send stray mages to the circle, supporting the templars when he thinks it necessary. His belief is that it's the safest option for everyone. His sister was the only exception to these thoughts since he knew her personally and believed their father had taught her well. 

   To the surprise of no one, Finnley gets along very well with Fenris. They are both very alike and hold similar world views. The rest of his associates all took longer to warm up to him (and him to them) but he eventually got pretty close to Varric and Isabella as well. Aveline and Sebastian both have pretty mixed feelings about him. Mostly they respect that he can do some real good work but then he can turn around and say something they really don't agree with. For that reason, Merril and Anders both have a big rivalry thing going on with him. Merril is probably the only one of his companions he actively dislikes; thinking her foolish and naive. 
   During the MotA DLC he clashes pretty badly with Tallis as he finds out more about her background, not very fond of her associates at all.  

   His relationship with Anders is very complex. They disagree on almost everything when it comes to mages and how to handle them. They often go toe to toe and riles each other up very easily. This, however, led to some incredibly thick sexual tension. They started having a sexual relationship but things ended up with them having some sort of love-hate relationship, mostly by not talking about the things they disagreed about. Eventually, they grew more fond of each other as they got used to each other's presence, with Finnley offering Anders safety by inviting him to live with him. Unfortunately, this didn't last forever-

   The explosion of the chantry was the last drop. When Anders stood there, with metaphorical blood on his hands, simply talking about unfairness and how it was needed to be done despite knowing that his actions were inexcusable in the face of reality.
   Finnley had trusted an apostate and ended up regretting it. He felt betrayed, his heart broken by the fact that he had loved someone that had dared to go do something so incredibly stupid, showing everyone just how untrustworthy mages truly are. He had angrily demanded him to stand up, to help and right what he had done, but Anders had simply said that he'd rather die than help the templars, the ones Finnley only truly thought could solve this. His heart clenched so incredibly bad as he looked down on his apathetic former partner. He felt as if he couldn't breathe. And then, with a great clump in his throat and heart lying at his feet, he killed his lover. 

+ appreciating nature. He likes to just go out and look at the horizon, the trees, the fields. He finds it soothing. 

+ physical training
- alcohol. He doesn't like the taste and is not the biggest fan of the feeling of being drunk
- unnecessary killing.

- blood magic. Careless mages
- people

+ incredibly strong

+ headstrong and goal-oriented
+/- hard worker bordering on the line of a workaholic when he feels mentally unwell. He does it to take his mind of feelings and troubling thoughts.
- communication
- showing empathy

* He's pro-circle but gets pretty close to mage-hater territory at the end of Act 3

* He wouldn't call himself Andrastian but does believe in some form of a higher power. 
* Got some internalized racism when it comes to Qunari and thinks them all brutal, merciless and unfeeling. 