


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Mortal name


Demon/angel name


Age (physical vessel)


Age (chronological)

Around 500


Nonbinary/true genderless




TV head demon


Personality: As noted by those closest to them, Claudia has a monotonous personality and speaks their mind very bluntly, even if they are aware that the truth they speak can be either hurtful or alarming. Claudia prefers to stay on a "medium" when it comes to situations in which they take a side (unless they're sticking to their own guns); however they often mean well and therefore are reliable when it comes to offering advice. Claudia also usually holds their head high in tough situations, finding issues like arguments and drama "a waste of time for wastes of space".

Claudia's bluntness can cause people to believe that they are mean-spirited and rude, keeping to themself a lot of the time. They are also noticeably mature with a strong sense of judgement and boundaries, knowing how to make the best decisions especially in the toughest situations, and the time and place to share their own matters and listening in on others'.

Appearance: Claudia appears as a young adult with a muscular build, a tan-red complexion, a black and red monitor for their head, and a long, thin tail with mysterious fur at the end. Their display bears a seemingly neat X replacing their left eye and their right eye with short eyelashes and an 8-ball fracture that makes their eye usually appear black (but turns white when they’re upset). They also have short claw-like fingernails which are painted black.

They have adhesive bandages around their hands, with some of the ends dangling from their forearms. Claudia also binds their chest; they usually use cloth bandages tied around their upper torso but may sometimes switch to a regular binder. Claudia is always seen wearing a thick black choker around their neck, with a mysterious background that only Claudia knows about. One can also tell Claudia by their own voice; Claudia's voice high pitched yet androgynous, speaking with a strong full voice (as though they speak from their chest) but often sounding remorseful and, when either upset or talking while fighting, vengeful.