Roxanna Adaleiz



4 years, 3 months ago



19 . oct 17 . libra

Roxanna, sometimes called Roxy by her friends and family, is a fiery, willful young girl whose greatest love in life is getting herself into trouble.

The eldest of three siblings, she was born to two parents who were much too young to raise her, and so was adopted by her maternal aunt. She grew up on a small farm in rural Nevada, tending to the property while her aunt worked as a housekeeper for a hotel in Reno. The farm work made her tough, and being a bit of a social outcast among her peers made her tougher. She considers herself hard and self-reliant, but in reality would go to pieces without the support of her loved ones.


. . . .
Age 19
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 5'3"
Weight 115 lbs.

  • Favorite color is red.
  • Loves dogs, but has never had one. Looks forward to getting one when she is able.
  • Has a lot of little scars on her fingers from working with her hands.
  • Enjoys metal and punk music, along with some older rock and roll.
  • She can play the guitar, but not very well.
  • Has a phobia of needles.
  • Gets really into Halloween.

Early Life

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Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

Growing Up

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales orci. Suspendisse nec sagittis leo, ut commodo turpis. Curabitur in hendrerit orci, nec vestibulum neque. Donec placerat lorem sit amet purus posuere fermentum. Aliquam id laoreet leo.

Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales orci. Suspendisse nec sagittis leo, ut commodo turpis. Curabitur in hendrerit orci, nec vestibulum neque. Donec placerat lorem sit amet purus posuere fermentum. Aliquam id laoreet leo.

Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

Roxanna's best friend since childhood. Alexandria is, on the surface, the complete opposite of Roxy, with a very sweet, tender nature, and seemingly endless patience. Roxanna, typically loath to show fragility to anyone, will open up to Alex like she will no one else, and as a result, Alex knows Roxy better than anyone. She can tell when something is wrong, and always seems to know what to do to make it better. Roxanna, in turn, would commit a felony for Alex. Without her, it would take no time at all for Roxy to go to pieces, and there is nothing Roxanna wouldn't do to keep Alex from harm, sometimes to the point of being a bit overprotective.

Roxy met Kate during high school, and though not as close to her as she is to Alex, she is still one of Roxanna's best friends. Katelyn is very interesting to Roxy. Her personality is quite similar to Alex in that she is very patient with Roxanna's impulsivity and hotheadedness, but unlike Alex, she can be very blunt in her criticism of such behavior. This comes from a place of tough love, and is something that Roxanna values in Kate. Additionally, Katelyn's book smarts coupled with her aforementioned patience is one of the few reasons Roxanna managed to make it through her final years of school.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.