


4 years, 5 months ago



NameAndrew "Andy" Jefferson
SpeciesDog (Golden Retriever)

reserved . smart . prodigy

Though he’s soft-spoken and reserved, Andy is actually pretty well-known around his town. This is because of his odd “family” life and his brilliant mind.

His father, Dr. Jefferson, isn’t all there. No one, not even Andy knows why. Perhaps it was due to performing experiments on himself, or a brain injury from a lab accident. Either way, his father was pretty brilliant at one point and still is to an extent. He tends to focus more on logic than people’s emotions however, and is generally a closed-off hermit.

One thing you’ll notice about Andy is that his mother isn’t around. This is because Andy was a test tube child, whose entire existence was an experiment; wherein Dr. Jefferson mixed his DNA with an unknown female volunteer’s. Dr. Jefferson most likely did not expect the experiment to go well... which is why he mistreats Andy without really realizing it; because he never anticipated a child. 

He hired nannies all throughout Andy’s life, and when he came of age, immediately sent him off to a boarding school, which is the place where his fame began to spread.

The reason being: Andy was an over-achiever. Not only did he have book smarts, but he was a master tinkerer, inventing things out of the blue sometimes and knowing a thing or two about hacking. He developed insomnia from staying up and focusing on these skills, and would just work on things until he fell asleep.

Andy had no idea what love was for most of his life. Yeah, he had crushes here and there, but going to an all-boys school didn’t make it easy for him to find love. Or so he thought. One day, a peculiar horned feline named Tony became his roommate; and the two developed an undeniable connection. The rest is history. Even after they graduated, they are still an inseparable pair.

His birthday is January 9.


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