


4 years, 5 months ago



Vivian "Vivi" Merengue
17 years old
Female (She/her)
Human (Latina)
HS Student; Hobbyist Hacker
Brightly-colored accessories, anime and videogames, flying, pepsi
Thunderclouds, petty rules, feeling helpless


Vivi is an optimistic, impetuous and silly girl. She's nerdy and occasionally distant, but she's usually friendly and quite loyal to the friends she has. Vivi's very smart and much more cunning than she first comes off, and often allows people to underestimate her so she has more wiggle room to do what she wants. She jumps at opportunities for fun, and shows little interest in things that aren't exciting or fulfilling to her. She's very confident in herself and her abilities, due to many things coming naturally to her, and she has little to no problem speaking her mind. However, Vivi's self-assured to the point of recklessness, lacking a healthy fear of danger and occasionally treating serious threats as a game. She has little respect for authority figures, be them good or bad, and believes one's merit comes from their abilities and how they choose to use them.

Skills and Abilities

Vivi's highly skilled in programming, reprogramming and hacking, along with music composition and overall is quite good with maths and sciences. She's bilingual in English and Spanish. She has a small personal weapon, a taser that stuns and disables a robot master's abilities for a few minutes in a pinch. Along with that, she often 'borrows' her aunt's equipment, the most common item being a compact jetpack to travel. Items she'll take along if she's expecting a brawl also include a lightweight shield and more offensive-based tasers similar to the buster arms of robots.


Vivi is the niece of Dr. Francesca Merengue, a professor in mechanical engineering and computer programming, and the adoptive sister of Rina Programme. Vivi's naturally good with maths and sciences, and her smarts landed her in a elite-prep school. However, she's somewhat lazy and finds most of the work to be boring and pointless. This makes her a relatively poor student, but she manages to get through using tests and exams, along with the few classes she enjoys. Witnessing the antics of the various robot masters, along with lots of action games and shows, she finds the prospect of fighting and taking down bad guys exciting, and often 'borrows' her aunt's combat equipment along with her hacking skills to explore and get a little taste of just that. Vivi is currently in her senior year of high school.

Additional Info

  • Dislikes being called her full name and prefers just Vivi.
  • Vivi's name comes from the musical term "molto vivace", to play a song in a lively and fast tempo. Her last name is from "Merengue", a type of Latin American music and dance originating from the Dominican Republic.
  • She always has some sort of junk food on hand for snacks.
  • Is good friends with Tune, and thinks her power is the 'most unique and the coolest' out of all the robot masters she's met thus far

HTML by lowkeywicked