


9 years, 2 months ago


Name : Skrapz
Age: 25
Eye Color : White eye's save for the black of his pupil.
Hair Color : Dark green almost black in color and dreaded. Beads and charms are often found threaded into the thick strands.
Height : 5'10''
Body type : Athletic
Skin Tone: A light African color almost. He's the darkest of the group. Not really black but definitely darker.
Tattoo: None
Personality : Obsessive and brash to the point of being rude. A collector and wanderer of sorts. He's the man who tends to run back and forth between town's and does a lot of of the scavenger type work for various bodies that he finds and unsuspecting sleeping traveler's that he may come across. He doesn't like his things being touched to the point of being anal. He enjoy's a good laugh normally at another persons expense, and is a proper con artist. Open. Inviting. Friendly...and most defiantly out for himself.
Clothing : Loose and long light material. He also does have a mask that he uses quite often as he's riding his bird about the desert so he doesn't have to slow down and of course to protect his eyes. He prefers dull colors, but light one's at that because of that damn sun. He has two metal clips on both sides of his face that are actually attached to bone. He can attach the mask to these clips for extra support in the wind among other accessories of similar nature.
Quirks : A hoarder. Without question. He likes shiny and odd trinkets of the 'old world' and has several packs on his lovely and wonderful mount that are filled with things he is unable to part with and will most likely knife anyone for touching.
Extra : His skin is darker than most in color. He just tan's really deeply. He is the man who finds things in the desert to bring back to camp. Usually food, supplies, anything he can really get his hands on that the other's might be able to use. He is seen quite often with Zipper at his side as the guy was one of the many things he had found in the desert and ended up collecting along his travels.

Skrapz's Relationships

      • ✗Zipper :: Romantically involved. Romantically in the sense that they are both really really strange with one another and he literally found the guy wandering around in the sun near death babbling incoherently. Or he had thought that he was speaking incoherently. After getting the guy some water he learned that the guy actually just suffered from sun sickness and had been crafted into what he was. He spoke oddly, like he was one with the desert without seeming to be insane. To try to explain it in full is impossible but in the end...they ended up being really close, almost like they were attached at the hip. They found this group together as well and have been assisting them ever since. Their relationship is almost high-school like in the sense that they tend to be very public about their feelings and Zipper is most likely overly clingy and touchy.
      • ✗Baux :: Neutral. He tends to get along with Baux for the most part and thinks they have a decent arrangement in trade. They have a mutual agreement and have a form of uncanny trust most of the time where they just know that the other wont let anything bad really happen despite how the crew reacts.
      • ✗Duce :: Not at all great. The guy basically seems to think that Skrapz is out to hurt his family and destroy things for them...or sell them out. Something bad or awful. Really, he just doesn't like the idea of tieing himself down which is the whole reason that he hasn't joined the gang yet in full or allowed Zipper to do. He doesn't really defend himself though when Duce or Thrice start in on him. It's normally met with an eye roll or a snide comment back about something unrelated to the topic. Like Duce and Thrice having problems in their bed roll, or other off handed remarks to segway inappropriately.
      • ✗Thrice:: Enemy. They hate each other. Enough said. They will fight and throw things and brawl often. He does't like him and doesn't ever expect Thrice to like him in return. It's really like they have just stopped trying, probably because they have.
    • ✗Faur :: Best friends. They just clicked and are completely all over just doing the dumbest shit together. They make one hell of a duo and are normally behind any situation that goes wrong or any prank that goes too far. They tend to do all of the dumb bar shit too such as playing dumb dare games and pull off really unreasonable stunts around the base including setting off traps to 'see' if they can avoid being hurt. Their IQ basically drops when they get going with one another.