Archibald Bloodworth



4 years, 5 months ago


Mr. Bloodworth | 251 | cis male | bisexual | Vanpyr

Loving - Protective - Bloodthirsty

A mafioso kingpin whose Verran partner tragically died shortly after the hatching of their hyper violent apex predator hybrid kids. Despite being literally torn limb from limb by them he loves his dearest little darlings with his whole heart.


Archibald was born into a powerful family but only magnified the wealth and force as he made his family's already questionably legal company, Bloodworth and Sons, into a full scale intergalactic smuggling operation.

During this time, he found himself the target of many an enemy. Hiring on a highly lauded Verran bodyguard on the recommendation of his family, Archibald didn't expect to find himself utterly enamored by his stony faced guardian. Even less expected the stoic creature to return his affections.

Together for several years, they eventually decided to have some children.

Shortly after hatchling, his partner tragically died to keep him safe.

Leaving Archibald with three hyper violent apex predator Verran-Vanpyr hybrid hatchlings.

Calypso, Concordia, and Charon.

 Strong and smart, growing impossibly quick, with an inability to properly understand the ramifications of their violent actions towards their beloved father. Losing limbs and his eye to the animalistic hatchlings.

Despite this, Archibald loves his three children with his entire heart and is extremely close to them. They truly adore their doting father and now serve the same position their Verran parent did, guardians of Archibald and the company. Despite his own reservations with allowing them to be put in the path of danger.

Calypso, his dearest, darling favorite. Not that he would ever admit it. She is poised to inherit the company when he eventually dies and wants nothing but to follow precisely in his footsteps.

Concordia, his most contested. Unlike the others they have a bit of a rebellious streak and will lash out still even as an adult.

Charon, the picture of his deceased spouse. Stoic but protective, he often finds them hard to understand or connect to but loves them nonetheless.