


4 years, 4 months ago


Feloa are a species of alien from the planet Lumen. Being the most sociable of the sentient species on Lumen, they are often referred to by others as "Lumenians". (It's the equivolent of calling a Human an "Earthling".)

Average height of adult Feloa range from 4'5" to 5'5", weight of 80-120 lbs. They reach maturity at about ?? Earth years and on average live up to about ?? years.
They are warm blooded, and their blood is thick and colorless but glows brightly, thus appearing white. Their organs and bones glow as well. Feloa have many glowing spots on their bodies, the patterns of which are unique to each individual and typically symmetrical. Their bodies are covered in short and fine velvety fur, which is incredibly soft. On their head and along their spine the fur grows longer into a mane, which ends as a tuft on their tail tip. Their tails are prehensile.
Feloa come in a wide variety of colors, with their main color being very dark, and their secondary glow color being very light. Their manes are a slightly darker color than the rest of their fur.
Feloans' large ears give them excellent hearing, and are used for thermoregulation as well. Feloa also have sensitive eyesight. They have three eyes, which have translucent nictating membranes in place of eyelids. Their pupils can dilate from slits to circles as well. They are omnivorous, but typically eat small mammals, insects, and fungi that they farm in the caves they reside in. They are hermaphroditic, and have a pouch on each breast (four total) in which they carry and nurse their young. They typically have 1-3 offspring at a time, 2 being the average, and 4 or more being very uncommon.

They operate on the belief that any item that is "loose", as in not on someone's person or contained in a claimed storage space, is not owned, and is therefore free for the taking. This is seen as salvage of abandoned items, and not theft. They only keep what they need in the present or near future, and do not collect or display trinkets that have no use. They live in communes, with buildings made of clay mud from the caves they live in.