

4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

337 | jelly

Just one of common jelly android, a bit silly and very friendly. Not always understands everything, but very faithful and always ready to serve and perform any work.

Oculus | tie

Very advanced AI with huge data base. He is the main of their pair and can control 337, but can also separate from him and move independently. Not very emotional, usually cold and focused only on work


  • Together they call themselves 337 or Oculi
  • They are an artificially created government agent. They can be either someone’s bodyguard, spy or detective. During missions, the Oculus controls 337 (but it does not mind at all). 
  • 337 itself is very convenient for such missions due to the fact that it is almost impossible to kill (due to a liquid body), and it can store any objects in the body
  • Body color may vary
  • The black liquid that fills the 337 body is a bit of a nanofluid, can change its properties a little and is very useful in missions. It may seep onto the surface of a denser jelly-like shell