


4 years, 4 months ago


Copy and pasted of what I wrote on Discord

"She gonna be one of the "Eilimitura Master" for possibly Air qwp. But may make small changes to not seem too much like an Applin. Few things that came in mind was: - Make the top head seem more bow like ( Still keeping it very large ) and change it entirely to red ( Match the apron ) - Change the light green shapes on the dress to perhaps have more of a cloud pattern. - Make the legs seem like more of those paw boots thing, just so people can tell that it isn't her actual legs cwc". Can make the top end have little red ribbons to help? - Have those cute little white maid gloves with tiny red ribbons , with the end matching the white puffy wing things on her shoulders

Only thing I can say for the tail is.. .Maybe it's stitched on to the back of the dress cwc"?

Only thing I struggle is the horn on her head. Like.. I want to keep the heart, but idk what to even do with the horn. i am tempted to just keep it, since this character is meant to be super quirky and weird cwc"