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  • Light
  • Student / Artist / 16


  • Name Light Daemy
  • Preferred Name Lighty
  • Age 16 years old
  • Gender Female
  • Species Wolf
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Nationality French
  • Occupation High School Student
  • Sexuality Bisexual or Pansexual
  • Religion Atheist

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"You can only keep things bottled for so long until you snap."


Light is like my... fourth "fursona" ? I had two characters that were me but I wasn't in the furry community so.. I don't know if I can consider them as old fursonas. Soo if they're not, she's my second fursona. She shares this place with Téaçur, a sergal character that I love. Light means alot to me, SHE'S me and even more ! She's me and a vision of me that sometimes I would like to see, she's the character that inspires me the most ! She's represents a new start that hapenned in 2018 when something not horrible but.. bad happened close to me, at this point I have changed my old sergal fursona "Moon" as now a she-wolf fursona "Light". She's everything for me and the friendships she had are always on my mind and most of them (who are related to my fursona) are actually important to me.


  • MBTI Mediator
  • Brain Dominance Left
  • Emotion Joyful, Fearful, Painful
  • Belief Everyone deserves another chance..

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"I'll never forgive my own self of what i've done. "


Light is a calm but shy person who always to look the best for the others. Otherwise when she's alone, she can be really depressed and anxious, overthinking most of the time and panicking for dumb questions. She's someone who's difficult to bare with the time, even if some people stayed by her side for a long time now. She's scared to love, she's scared to not be good enough, but when you see her in public you can only see a kind and joyful girl who tries her best to make the others laugh about the dumbest things she can do, but that's only a mask..

She used to be naive and she may not have anger issues but she's hot-hearted. She hates when she take her as a stupid person and she ates being humiliated in public and mostly hate her real family that aren't supportive and aren't helping her at all.

Positive Traits

  • Helpful
  • Caring
  • Friendly

Negative Traits

  • Overthinker
  • Despondent
  • Tries to mostly struggle alone


  • Her agility
  • Serious when needed
  • Protective


  • Anxious
  • Her weak strenght
  • Her asthma

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"Baby, angels like you can't fly down here with me..
  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Video games
  • Cosplaying/Fursuiting
  • Singing
  • Creating new stories
  • Cuddling
  • Chilling or stay in bed


  • Shopping
  • Annoying people (mostly underage than her)
  • Studying (phobia)
  • Traitors, liars, cheaters
  • Be traited as a dumbass.


  • Art
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Doing parties
  • Being a huge V simp
  • Playing video games


  • //
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  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //

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"I'm shy at first but I do the stupidest things when I get comfortable with someone."


  • Fur Bright gray, Dark gray and white
  • Eyes Left eye Blue, Right eye Green
  • Height 160 cm
  • Skinny
  • Curvy
  • Boney
  • Groomed

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"Who are you ? Demon to some. Angel to others."


Light is a she-wolf with a bright gray fur color, she has multiple tons of colors such as dark gray and white.

Link to Reference

Art by Crosloup

Crosloup : Girlfriend

Time known each other : Many years

She's my everything, she accepted me for my qualities and my defaults. I'm glad to have her by my side even if we're far away from eachother...

Kunji : Heart Brother

Time known each other : 4 years

At the first place Light wanted just to help this wolf to get better because he was not feeling alright. At the end he asked her to be his heart sister and they lived good and bad adventures. Now they are the best twins, even if they were bad situations, both of them are trying to build something stronger than before.


Art by BumuSenpai

Wanzera : Heart Sister

Time known each other : 3 years and a half

Light and Wanzera are the best heart sisters. They are inseparable, never Light wants to see her heart sister going away from her. She loves her from the deep of her heart.


Art by LightDaemy

Nynx : Inner Demon

Time known each other : Forever.

Nynx appeared first when Light was angry and she continues haunting Light's dreams or thoughts for make them horrorful/terrible or even dramatic. She's the one who's messing with Light's thoughts and her flashbacks. Light sometimes likes Nynx for taking control when it's really needed, Nynx is stronger than Light so it's easier for her to use Nynx if she wants to use the force. But she hates her when she's haunting her thoughts or dreams or remember her of her traumas.


Art by susucre

Lepidolite : Best Friend

Time known each other : around 3 years

From the trio with Vylka, Lighty always cared about his best friend like he was literally the most important being in her life. She's glad to have a supportive best friend like him whose capable to cheer her up without knowing it.


Art by AmyPast

May : Close Friend

Time known each other: around 4 years

She took contact back with her not a long time ago but she's glad since they are kinda chaotic together and they're laughing alot together, she's just happy to talk to her back like they were used to.


Art by MykalaBlue

Ryan : Friend

Time known each other: a year and a half

She got attached by the members of an old friend of her's group ! She decided to stay with them and living her best adventures with them, Ryan is someone for her who's caring !


Art by Wgmnll

Brock : Friend

Time known each other: a year and a half

Knowing that dude since a lot of time now she's got attached to him just like she got attached to Ryan !


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Nam posuere, ex ac posuere aliquet, ex lorem convallis mi, a rutrum nunc ligula a odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris finibus fringilla erat, sit amet eleifend nisi vestibulum id. In venenatis lorem elit, quis mattis lectus consectetur non. Vivamus non purus id leo mollis semper. Nullam quis dapibus ex, rutrum laoreet tellus. Maecenas eget urna turpis. Ut nec lectus molestie leo vulputate dictum. Aenean placerat tincidunt dignissim. Cras sem enim, facilisis in sollicitudin eu, tempor efficitur tellus. Ut cursus felis eu nulla porttitor, ac suscipit lacus tempor.

In viverra diam metus, eu posuere odio sagittis vel. Quisque aliquam ultricies ligula at maximus. Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida. Maecenas eget condimentum enim, nec ultricies nunc. Donec sit amet accumsan lacus. Pellentesque egestas in ex tristique viverra. Cras fringilla pharetra imperdiet. Integer mollis massa et ante pretium sodales. Ut euismod finibus diam, at ultrices turpis condimentum id. Donec posuere elit eget ante accumsan finibus.

Present Day

Sed condimentum volutpat euismod. Sed luctus ultricies diam id ultrices. Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis. Vivamus et metus at lectus fermentum imperdiet ac vitae dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer non cursus turpis, sit amet interdum ante. Vivamus sit amet fringilla orci, in posuere ligula.


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