Midnightstar (Relationships)



Asterfern - Mentor, Deputy (LightClan)

  • Asterfern and Midnightstar share a casual, albeit slightly distant relationship. Despite being his mentor, Asterfern is mostly a stranger to Midnightstar after he becomes a warrior. However, they're not on bad terms, as Midnightstar still picks him to become the deputy after LightClan is forcefully given independence from the union.

Swanstar - Mate (former)

  • Swanstar and Midnightstar used to have a decently close relationship, however it began to fall apart shortly before the assault on PineClan caused by Swanstar's mental breakdown. Despite having a daughter together, the two stopped communicating properly and were no longer fit to care for one another. It formally ended when Swanstar gave LightClan independence to save them from Lionstar's wrath, and Midnightstar was unable to understand the situation fully, getting upset with Swanstar for it. They were not on speaking terms for a long time afterwards, and the relationship is still quite rocky.