


4 years, 4 months ago


Winters Dorothea

Byline / edited date

Dorothea (19 Years-Old)

Name Dorothea Winters

Born April 7th || 19 Y/O

Orientation Demi Bi

Occupation Nurse

Gender Female

Personal Notes New Zealander

5'4 || 170.18cm

110lbs || 49.9kg

Theme The Grimm Troupe + Nightmare King

Dorothea Winters (Born April 7th, 2000) is a nineteen-year-old New Zealander nurse. She's most known for her notable presence as one of the youngest liscenced nurses on the planet, having only recieved her bachelors at the age of seventeen. She is also known for being the Ultimate Nurse at HRA.


A nurse is something quite simple to explain to somebody, being a notable career field many attempt to go into as a working class type, but being the best requires to do more than just be your average nurse, would it not?

To put it simply, a nurse is one who is trained to care for the sick, especially in regards to people in the hospital. A caregiver to the ill, to put it simply. However, a nurse's job description can become much more complex when you get into the thick of things. From communicating with patients to treating emergencies that may arise during care of a patient until a doctor can arrive on scene, there's plenty of things that a nurse may need to do to in their day to day.

Being a nurse comes with a lot of responsibilities: taking care of patients, helping them to maintain a positive quality of life, assisting them in recovering their health. Many people still consider nurses to be similar to—or entirely the same as—doctors, but there's a world of differences between the two professions. Both nurses and doctors are medical professionals, yes, but their duties and necessary education are completely different.

As the youngest person in the world to have met the requirements to become a registered nurse, having completed her bachelor's degree in nursing at seventeen and having been in the field since, Dorothea Winters has made herself a name in the field of nursing, not only for her name but for the quality of care she provides for the patients that come under her jurisdiction. Reviews from her patients have been nearly unanimous in declaring Dorothea one of the best nurses—if not the best—they've had. Neither Dorothea herself or the hospital she works for, Auckland's Starship Hospital, have made statements regarding her reviews, the girl's track record speaks for itself.

Dorothea has been involved in a number of patient welfare programs, promoting higher standards of care for patients both nationally and internationally, and for her practical work alongside her general work as a nurse she was awarded the Young Nurse of the Year award by the New Zealand Nurses Organization this past year. Her work with Starship Hospital has continued, and a number of other reputable nurses have expressed their support for her programs, and a handful have made themselves known as being officially affiliated with her programs. For her contributions to the field of nursing at such a young age, Dorothea was invited to Hope Royale Academy to attend as the Ultimate Nurse, and why would she say no to an offer like that?

Court Strength

  • A Nurse's Touch ; general/investigation
    As a nurse, Dorothea is used to being expected to deal with her patients in a proper, orderly manner, and as a result she's become highly adaptable to her surroundings. In the event that someone's been injured, you can count on Dorothea to help patch them up! ... to a reasonable extent, of course. She won't be reattaching limbs or performing surgeries. That's out of her field of expertise!

    [ Roll 1d20 to determine outcome. No modifiers can be added, even with help. If help is warranted, other person may roll 1d20+INT and if their roll is 18+, advantage may be given to Dorothea's main roll. If under 18, disadvantage is given to her roll. Only time that this is not applied is if medical experience is known by the other player, in which their roll requirement is 15. ]

Court Weakness

  • Literal Asshole ; trial & general/investigation
    Dorothea, to put it simply, isn't exactly the easiest to deal with in serious situations. She'll laugh in the face of death, especially if a fellow student's death is as pathetic as it can get. Dorothea has no regard for other's opinions, worries, etc, and isn't exactly easy to deal with when talking trials- hell, even general conversation is difficult if you're not on her good side. Not like that matters in the first place, seeing as she's as two-faced as a person can get.


Pragmatic - Efficient
Adaptable - Effervescent
Extraordinary - Disconcerting
Expedient - Controlling
Artificial - Fickle

HP [3/5]

STR [2/5]

DEX [2/5]

INT [5/5]

WIS [5/5]

LCK [1/5]

18/18 Stats Filled

A not-insignificant amount of Dorothea's personality has been influenced by her career. She's gotten used to operating a certain way, both in and outside of the workplace—though the sway her career holds over her personality is mostly limited to its more positive facets. For one, Dorothea is highly adaptable: crisis situations can happen at any time, no matter where you are, and it's better to become equipped to deal with whatever life throws at you sooner rather than later, right? Whether she's at the hospital or at home, Dorothea is always prepared to address the current situation as quickly and as efficiently as possible. She wouldn't have been able to make it to where she is without good work ethic and a better sense of organization. Being able to do things both swiftly and competently is important to Dorothea—both professionally and personally. Thus she has little use for the theoretical and hypothetical over the concrete and logical; pragmatic to a fault, she handles just about everything that comes her way as practically as she can, not bothering to address the "what-ifs" that pop up now and again. If she were to tackle every hypothetical situation that sticks its nose where it doesn't belong, she'd end up spending more time thinking about unrealistic proposals than actually working. In handling specific scenarios such as this and in a variety of other aspects, Dorothea is undoubtedly intelligent, both in terms of street smarts and in factual knowledge. She'd need to be smart to be where she is, after all, especially considering her age. Undoubtedly smarter than your average person—even smarter than your average Ultimate—she applies her judgement liberally and isn't afraid to make that known. Yet, in spite of her career path which you think would surely make her a serious, reliable person, Dorothea is about as solemn as a professional clown can be. Bright and enthusiastic in just about every situation, at first glance you might not think that she's a nurse at all. Her peppiness belies her capabilities and competence; for every little bit of energy she has, she has just as much brain power to go along with it.

As an Ultimate, wouldn't it be strange if Dorothea was an ordinary nobody? Of course it would! No, a life of blending in just isn't for her; she likes to stand out from the crowd, for better or worse. She doesn't have a preference! But perhaps it's that desire of hers to make herself known that makes her come off as... strange, at times, and not in the good sort of way. Being around Dorothea is unsettling, off-putting; there's just something about her that's not quite right. Whatever that is is uncertain, but the cause isn't so much cause for concern as the strange atmosphere surrounding her. Almost as though she's entirely unaware of her presence, the nurse is surprisingly prideful, and carries herself like she inspires feelings of confidence instead of something bordering on creepy. Really, just who is Dorothea Winters?

A nurse is supposed to be kind, caring, and gentle, right? Then meeting Dorothea is a disappointment. For as good as she is at her job, outside of the workplace her personality nearly inverts itself, so different is her professional persona to her private life. The sweet, nurturing façade she puts on for her patients is just that: a façade. For some people, her true personality doesn't much matter as long as you get the job done, but for others it's far more unsettling than that. Once Dorothea is off the clock, you're own your own. Get hit by a car? Better hope that you're on her good side, or enjoy your shattered orbital until emergency services haul you off the side of the road. And her "good side" changes as much as her personality does; her loyalties and interests frequently shift with no particular rhyme or reason. One day, she might consider you her closest friend—the next? An annoyance. Yet for as often as her own affections are changed, she's very pushy about getting her way with others. Controlling is a good word to use. If things don't go Dorothea's way, she gets frustrated. Fast. As a matter of fact, it's not difficult to frustrate her at all; many things get under her skin, and she gets annoyed on a constant basis. Don't be fooled by her enthusiasm—more often than not, she's seething with quiet rage. And it's when she gets irritated that she starts cutting corners. As long as the job gets done, that's what matters, right? Who cares about the aftermath? Dorothea does what's asked of her as efficiently as possible, and, well, if efficiency means that she has to skimp out on some moral or ethical dilemma, then that's not really her problem, is it?

Public Information

Known Information

by Bernadette Brown

With the new school year fast approaching, the world has been waiting with bated breath for Hope Royale Academy's newest class of Ultimates. Several of the new Ultimates have already been confirmed, and among them is the newest Ultimate Nurse, Dorothea Winters from Auckland, New Zealand.

Winters is the youngest registered nurse in the world, and graduated from the University of Auckland with a bachelor's degree in nursing when she was seventeen. Since then, she's been working at Starship Hospital in Auckland, and she's been involved in tons of programs designed to promote patient welfare and higher standards of patient care. Reportedly, her practical work is incredible, too; plenty of her reviews claim that her nursing skills are unrivaled.

Not much is known about Winters's private life, but what does that matter when she's clearly having such a positive impact on New Zealand's medical field? We hope to see you making even more great strides in the future, Dorothea!


by Heidi Flannigan

Dorothea Winters, member of the New Zealand organization Nurses for Patient Welfare, made a speech this past weekend in Wellington as the representative of the organization. In her speech, she spoke about the important of upholding a quality of life for patients that satisfies both the patients themselves and their caretakers.

"Every patient, not just in New Zealand, but in the world," Winters stated, "is entitled to expect a certain quality of living when under the care of medical professionals, and it is up to the medical community to meet those standards. If those expectations cannot be fulfilled, then that is the fault of the carer, not the cared-for."

It is expected that Winters will give another speech next weekend as NPW's representative for Invercargill, though this is yet to be confirmed by Winters or NPW.




  • Spicy Food ; Always nice to put some literal spice into your life, ain't it?
  • Frogs ; :) Cute.
  • Smoking ; Feels awful on the throat, so it's not often that Dorothea does smoke, but it's certainly a good stress reliever.
  • Classical Music ; It's calming to listen to after a stressful night of treating needy people.


  • Pork ; It tastes disgusting, to be quite frank. She'll eat it if she has to, but if she has other options at all, she'll pass.
  • Hairstyling ; If she could, she'd just leave her hair bedridden.
  • Laytex ; A necessity for the job, seeing as laytex gloves are extremely common, but they still don't feel good on the hands. Especially not the ones that are coated in oils.
  • Bathroom Terrorists ; People. Who. Don't. Wash. Their. Hands. After. Taking. A. Shit. Need. To. Die.

Hobbies & Pet Peeves



  • Impossible Bottles ; There's something so oddly charming about how stupid they are.
  • Visiting Pet Stores ; Not that she has time for a pet herself, but she loves window-shopping!
  • Reading ; She likes keeping up on present-day knowledge on all subjects.
  • Collecting Frog Figurines ; They're so cute! And they come in all different shapes and sizes and colors, too!

Pet Peeves

  • People who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom ; Actually disgusting.
  • Hypocrites ; It's hypocritical of her to say that, but we love a self-aware queen!
  • People who walk in front of her ; If you cut in line in front of her, you deserve the death penalty.
  • Open-Mouth Chewers ; Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I hope you die. Shut the fuck up.


[ Frog bag ]


  • Work Phone ; Your basic smartphone, though nothing is really on it. Used exclusively for work calls and emergencies.
  • Cell Phone ; Dorothea's actual phone. She has simple games and such on it, though nothing seems to be very dedicated besides a few addictions she's hopped onto just to pass time. Has a large amount of music on it, though. Comes with charger and two sets of airpods.
  • Identification ; Small identification-only wallet kept on a lanyard. Swaps between keeping this in her bag or in a pocket, but this has all of her qualification and general ID information.

Frog Bag

  • Wallet ; Frog-themed wallet where Dorothea's riches are held. A rich woman would never keep this out of her sight unless she was truly in peril, now would she?
  • Coin Purse ; Froggy coin purse. Enough said.
  • Frog Figurines ; A decent amount of random frog figurines that Dorothea just leaves lying around in her purse.
  • Pepper Spray ; Fuck off and die.


  • Languages ; Due to her education, she's fluent in English as her native and is also fluent in Maori.
  • Swimming ; She's no fan of it, and not extremely good by any means, but she knows how to swim. She lives in New Zealand, is that any surprise?
  • General Strengths ;
    > Has excellent penmanship and anything written by her, especially when it comes to educational or important documents meant to be read, it's clear she's developed her handwriting as she's grown up to an extreme.
    > Her education and background gives her the strength of just being generally smart about a lot of things- whether it be things outside of her talent or not, she's a hyper-excelled student.
    > She's very good with small details- after all, she is a nurse, is she not? Sure, she isn't generally doing the sutures and small handiworks like a doctor, but she's trained as much.
  • General Weaknesses ;
    > She's awful to work with and is an absolute pain. Just a general trait of hers that is a non-stop awful.
    > Dorothea isn't very interested in most "mundane," things, thus she doesn't talk easily with simple topics. It's not as much of a "I'm rich and I don't like peasantries," sort of thing as much as it is a "I don't get the appeal," sort of deal.
    > A detriment to both others and herself, she's not the luckiest person, despite being extremely wealthy due to her career and her family. She's somewhat of a reverse rabbit's foot, if you will. A frog's leg, perhaps?


Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.