Khalida (Prompts:)



I 01: Write out this character's basic personality Minimum requirement: 471/150 words Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida tends to be wary of new lions and takes a while to truly trust anyone or warm up to them. She is often quiet but not in a shy or nervous way, she just doesn't see the point in talking for the sake of it. She also has a tendency to be sarcastic with varying degrees of subtlety. She certainly isn't easy to impress either and she takes a while to decide exactly how she feels about another lion.

Of course as a leader she has had to cultivate some skills in herself. For instance patience in political dealings. She is careful to school her features not to reveal her inner thoughts during council meetings or political gatherings as most times her inner thoughts would be offensive to some lion or other. In truth she just has little patience for the way some lions in leadership positions act and the kinds of things that they deem important. There are real, bigger issues to deal with than what prince absconded with some peasant or whatever other nonsense they become fixated on. Just because she is learning patience doesn't mean Khalida won't speak up and point out the foolishness of it all when she deems it necessary. She is never one who is afraid to share her thoughts when the time is right.

With her subjects Khalida tends to have a somewhat rocky relationship. Some fear her for the rumors surrounding her birth, the image painted of her by the king. Others don't believe she should rule, most of them supporters of her father who have their own ideas who should take his place. And others don't even fear her, they simply don't believe she is suitable, a cub who was barely acknowledged as the king's daughter growing up and who certainly never joined the royal court for any length of time. In their minds she is not what a royal should be, and truthfully Khalida doesn't want to fit their idea of what a queen should be anyway. She wants her leadership to be different from the kings and queens who came before her, but she is prepared for how difficult it might be for other lions to adjust to so much change. Despite knowing it might take time she does at times feel frustrated with how harsh and judgmental they can be toward her. One moment they were praising her for delivering them from the rule of a crazed king and the next they were analyzing her every move and choice, always ready to criticize.

The heaviness of the responsibility she feels and the weight of all she has to do in order to rebuild the pride has made it hard for her to keep herself together some days. But she won't show that to even her family most times.

I 02: Write 3 positive traits about this individual, and 3 negative ones Minimum requirement: Listed traits Awards: 1 white feather

Positive Traits:




Negative Traits:


Somewhat abrasive

Stubborn beyond reason at times

I 03: Write this character's backstory, how they came to join the territory (or if they were born into it) how their childhood made them who they are Minimum requirement: 744/150 words Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida was born one of the king's first cubs. She and her siblings would be his first heirs. Or at least that was the plan until the king saw her for the first time. Khalida's wings were only lumps around her shoulders when she was a cub, but it was enough of a 'deformity' for her father to reject her, calling her a monster, accusing her mother of an affair, and even suggesting Khalida was cursed.

Because of this Khalida grew up as something of an oddity, belittled by her father and loved only by her mother and siblings. Not all of the pride was cruel to her, but fearing her father's wrath even those who weren't unkind didn't quite dare offer a paw in friendship.

She was denied her rightful place as a princess in the pride so grew up with no real rank or place among any social group. Her father never planned any kind of future for her like he did for her siblings, and Khalida couldn't always be sure what was worse, to be under his paw and subject to his whims for her future like her siblings were. Or to be ignored and left to fend for herself, or when she dared show herself or speak her mind be promptly shut down. In her frustration Khalida tended to rebel against her father in little ways, always defying the ideas that he placed that she would never amount to anything. She did her best to protect her family, all the while figuring out how she might one day turn things around.

Things didn't get better quickly, however. The pride began to fracture, lions divided but none daring to speak out against their king who seemed to grow more tyrannical all the time. Khalida could only fix so much. She kept her mother alive and well, she tried to be strong for her brother as he bore their father's constant scrutiny as the Crown Prince. She even protected some of the pride members from her father's wrath. But she couldn't stop her father from sending her sister away to marry a stranger, and she couldn't stop him from suspecting everyone closest to him of betrayal, nor could she stop the growing division among the scared members of the pride. For a time she had to leave when things got so tense between she and her father she feared what might happen.

But her time away was well spent. She furthered her studies in leadership, battle tactics, self-defense, and economy. During this time she also traveled, befriending lions in other lands, both lions they were already allied to and those they were not. Slowly but surely she began to prepare for what she had hoped to do for some time, take over her father's empire. She had not always wanted to be a queen, but her father was so determined to deny her everything that was her right, so determined to tear her down, that she decided if he wouldn't even allow her to be a princess she would rise to be a queen like no one had ever seen. Her time away gave her the confidence to believe she really could do it, and the situation of her mother and siblings only made her more determined.

Eventually she did return to the pride, and when she did she fought for her right to rule and won. Her father was gone, but the battle was far from over. Despite his cruelties he still had supporters she had to deal with, and the pride was divided and anxious. Building it up again, keeping everything together, has been a larger task than she could have ever anticipated. But she has kept at it, determined to prove she is every inch the queen she claims to be and nothing like her father before her. It's slow going, but Khalida is steadily rebuilding the pride into a kingdom to be proud of, and under her leadership many lions are beginning to thrive. But there are still lions who doubt her, and those who supported her father and now wait quietly for the right moment to rise against her, in the meantime spreading discontent and rebellion. As big as the kingdom has grown under her father's reign Khalida has her work cut out for her keeping tabs on everything going on, but she is slowly recruiting those few lions she feels she can trust to help her.

I 04: Explain this character's role in their group or home. How do they contribute (or not contribute?) Minimum requirement: 173/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

As the queen of her kingdom Khalida certainly contributes a lot. She does all that she can to keep them all safe and keep things running, all while trying to undo years, even decades worth of damage inflicted by her father and grandfather. Even though the pride members are not always very accepting of her, even though they doubt her sometimes, she still does her best to keep going and work through the issues.

Khalida is redefining what it means to be a leader, changing the standard her father had set before her. She is finding her own way of ruling and not everyone is sure of it, but she resolutely clings to the belief that the vision she has will be better for them all in the end. She never wants to abuse her power like her father did, or become self-serving the way he was. For now she rules alone and has only a few trusted lions to help her so there is a lot that rests squarely on her shoulders.

I 05: What is this character's biggest dream/goal? Minimum requirement: 237/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida’s biggest goal is to rebuild the pride, practically from the ground up, into a kingdom where lions feel safe and don’t live in fear and division. She wants the pride to flourish like it never has before and be a place where lions of all classes can create a good life. She regrets not being able to make it a better place for her family in years past so now she wants to do better, so that no one else will struggle as they did.

As for other goals or dreams, Khalida isn’t one to have fanciful notions of true happiness, true love, home sweet home, or any of those story book types of things. But she would like to see her family all happy. She knows she can’t undo the past, even if she wishes she could. But she wants to try to make a better future for them, in particular her mother, her brother Nadir, and sister Nthanda. But she also wants to try to make amends with her father’s other sons and daughters, as well as her mother’s side of the family. To fix all the breaks in her family would probably be the most important thing of all to her, but so much has happened it does feel at times like a dream that will never quite be. Especially now that she is a queen with so much resting on her shoulders.

I 06: What is this character's biggest fear or nightmare? Minimum requirement: 158/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida’s biggest fear is that she will lose the thing that is most precious to her. Her family. Time and circumstances have kept them away from each other more than they’d like and Khalida would like nothing better than to erase the things that have kept them apart so they could all be together again. As it is she regrets the things that have already happened that she wasn’t able to stop. But she can’t undo it, and with them being apart as much as they are she worries for what might happen to them with her not being there to help or protect them. If anything did happen to them she would likely feel guilty over it, whether she should or not. Losing her family may be the only thing she fears more than failing them and the kingdom and proving her father right in his belief that she would never be fit to be a ruler.

I 07: What does this character's name mean/where did it come from? Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida’s name is rumored to mean ‘eternity’ or ‘everlasting’. Her mother chose her name and Khalida assumes it must have originated in her mother’s land, or perhaps she heard it on a trip. In her mother’s land names are carefully chosen to fit the individual receiving it, and she believes her mother put that kind of care into picking her name and her siblings’ names.

As for why it was chosen for her, there are two reasons behind it. The first is that her mother’s tribe are lions who are blessed with lifespans longer than that of the average lion, it was a gift to her people and in a way the name was picked as a reminder or tribute. But her mother also picked the name because she would always tell her cubs that her love was everlasting, they’d never lose it no matter what. And from the time of her birth it was plain that Khalida’s father wouldn’t accept her so her mother gave her the name as a way to remind Khalida that no matter what anyone else said or felt toward her, she would always be loved.

I 08: Draw this character in their youth/as a cub/kitten Minimum requirement: flat fullbody drawing Awards: 5 white feathers

I 09: What does this character view as their greatest enemy, whether internally or externally? Minimum requirement: 191/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida might be hard pressed to choose her greatest enemy. Were he still alive she might say her father, and even now there are lions loyal to her father who dislike or even hate her, leaders who don’t want to accept her as one of them. Even members of her own pride who don’t seem to like her.

But she would have to say her greatest enemy is the perception of her that seems to be engrained in everyone’s minds from when her father was alive. He certainly villainized her enough that it makes her life difficult even now. Despite him being gone and her getting the chance to show others what she is really like some seem to cling to their earlier perceptions of her as a villain, some even seeing her takeover of the pride as an evil thing despite how their lives have improved.

She had hoped with her father gone she could come out of the shadow he placed over her, but it’s proving to still be difficult as the lies and rumors run deep, and not everyone seems willing to even try to see past them.

I 10: Create a moodboard for this character Minimum requirement: Moodboard Awards: 2 white feathers


I 11: Create a signature themed around this character *You do not have to USE it as a signature, you can just code one together and screenshot it. Should show some effort. Minimum requirement: Screenshot signature Awards: 3 white feathers


I 12: Draw a sketchpage of your character (at least 3 fullbody sketches) Minimum requirement: at least 3 fullbody sketches sketchpage Awards: 4 white feathers


I 13: How does this character handle disrespect or insults? Minimum requirement: 203/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

How Khalida handles insults or disrespect depends entirely on the individual insulting or disrespecting her and specifically what they say.

She has been used to insults based on her being the only winged lion in the pride. And she’s used to disrespect and insults because of her previously precarious, undetermined place in the pride with her rightful title being withheld from her.

Of course as queen she can’t just ignore all insult or disrespect. She has to prove that she can keep her authority intact to her subjects and fellow leaders. Having had plenty of practice she can usually ignore such comments, perhaps chastising the commenter with some subtle sarcasm or rebuke. She has learned better than to let anyone get a rise out of her, and these days she has to face this issue more among fellow leaders who like to challenge her right to hold her title.

The one thing she won’t tolerate is disrespect or insult toward any of her family. When it’s directed toward her she can take it or find some way to calmly assert herself. But when it’s about someone she loves she is more likely to snap, get irritated, or let her temper show a little.

I 14: What is this character's greatest strength? Minimum requirement: 160/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida’s greatest strength is probably her strong will. Without it she might have never made it through some of the trials and hurts she has already faced. It has kept her going and kept her on track toward what she wants.

There were certainly times when she might’ve been tempted to give up or take the easy way out of some situation, but her will power to keep going no matter what anyone else said has gotten her to where she is and may have very well saved her a few times.

Even now, despite the discouragement and the amount of lions who seem to doubt her, she is pushing forward, relying on that inner strength to keep her going even when she feels alone or like it’s a hopeless cause.

At time her strength in this has even helped her family or those around her who could draw on her strength somewhat to help themselves keep going or believing.

I 15: What is this character's greatest weakness? Minimum requirement: 220/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida’s greatest weakness is most likely her inability to really be able to let herself rely on anyone else. While she does delegate tasks, as any queen really needs to be able to do from time to time, she still can’t seem to keep herself from worrying about anything she isn’t directly involved in.

It’s not even that she doesn’t trust the lions she is delegating to in most cases, it’s just that she tends to always feel the need to do everything herself so that she can be sure it goes exactly as it should. And if she doesn’t do it herself she worries about it, unable to get her mind off of it sometimes. Or if something does go wrong she blames herself for having not done it herself in the first place.

It’s an added stress that she doesn’t really need and makes it hard for her to really find an ally or partner that she can be comfortable enough with to just let them do things for her and not worry about how it could go wrong.

She even tends to see it as a sign of weakness on her part if she doesn’t do it herself, as if other lions might judge her for not being able or strong enough to do it all herself.

I 16: What is this character's greatest regret, what mistake haunts them? Minimum requirement: 298/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Her greatest regret would be that infamous fight with her sister. She didn’t mean to push it so hard, or make her upset.

She just wanted so badly to help. Khalida has always regretted not being able to stop her sister’s arranged marriage. Nthanda could profess to be happy as anything and she would probably still regret it.

She loves her sister more than anyone in the world, and she has always felt like she failed her by not doing something back then when her sister needed her.

So, when she became queen she went to see her sister. She suggested she leave the kingdom she had been made queen of and come live with her again, help her rebuild the kingdom. But her sister said no, she wouldn’t leave her cubs for anything. Khalida suggested she bring them, but Nthanda told her she couldn’t. After all, her son had the potential to be the next king of his father’s kingdom, and her other children, they had lives there, and a place in the kingdom. She couldn’t uproot them even if her husband would allow it and she wanted to.

Blinded as she has always been by her own guilt Khalida has never liked Nthanda’s husband. She only loves her nieces and nephews because Nthanda loves them, and truthfully Nthanda’s wishes are all that has kept her from outright speaking against the marriage and her husband as a whole. Well, in public anyway. But that day she didn’t quite manage to guard her tongue, and things were said that caused a rift between the two and hurt on both sides.

Khalida wants more than anything to make up for it, but she fears her sister will not want to fix it, and perhaps that is what she deserves.

I 17: How does this character respond to being wrong? Minimum requirement: 212/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

When she is confronted with being wrong her reaction can depend entirely on the lion confronting her and how they do it. It’s not that she can’t ever admit when she is wrong, but when it is a lion whom she has a bad relationship with her, or who likes to bug her she will not take it as well and even if she knows she is wrong she might deny it to her last breath if only not to give them the satisfaction of admitting it.

She has a stubborn streak that can make it hard for her to admit it at first when she is wrong. Usually if it’s one of her siblings she can take it better, or if it’s someone just coming to her with a genuine concern or desire to tell her because it seems important. That isn’t to say she might not be bristly at first, but in these situations she can at least come to a place where she will admit her wrong and try to fix it.

As queen she has learned even more so how to humble herself enough to accept criticism as it pertains to her leadership or choices, provided it’s coming from an appropriate source and desire to better the kingdom.

I 18: Is this character a leader or a follower? Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida has always been a leader at heart. She’s never been one to blindly follow others and though she has at times appeared to submit to someone else’s wishes for her she just knows when the time is to openly disagree and when to keep her head down.

Now that she is a queen she is a leader more than ever before, responsible for the whole pride. The position does seem to suit her, and despite all the difficulties she feels more comfortable in a leadership position than she does following someone else.

While the responsibility of it can weigh heavily at least she doesn’t have to worry about her family or herself suffering because of someone else’s decisions regarding their life.

Being in a position where someone else had too much control never worked well for her and it is definitely not something she’d ever want to go back to if she could help it.

I 19: What is this character proud of? Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

When it comes to her personally, Khalida is proud of how she has overcome the hurdles set before her to become more than anyone ever said she would. She still feels the need to prove herself further in her new position as queen, but she feels like the fact she has this position at all is something to be proud of after all the opposition she faced.

But on a less personal note she is proud of how those who support her in the pride are coming together to rebuild their kingdom. Though at times it seems like those who believe in her and what she is trying to do are few, she is always pleased to see even a few lions working hard to rebuild or improve aspects of their lives or aspects of the kingdom. She of all lions knows very well how hard it can be to move past the difficulties they have been through, especially during the initial transition of leadership.

I 20: What does this character view as their own most valuable trait? Minimum requirement: 165/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Especially now that she is queen Khalida values her resilience and ability to hide her feelings more than anything. With a job like hers she doesn’t have time to let things get her down for long, she needs to be able to bounce back and move through it, and it’s certainly valuable not to let others see when they’ve gotten under your skin, particularly in the case of opposing leaders or prides, or even difficult members within your own pride.

It’s certainly taken a fair amount of resilience to withstand much of what she’s been through, and what she still has left before her. She knows that she probably wouldn’t have gotten this far without the resilience she has built up. Just knowing what she’s already been able to withstand has helped her move forward, reminding herself in tough times that her resilience has already seen her through many trials and will surely see her through more if she just believes it will be enough.

I 21: What does this character value most in others? Minimum requirement: 173/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Loyalty and genuineness. Those are the first things that come to mind for Khalida.

She knows very well that true loyalty is hard to find. Lions will pretend to be loyal, or will be loyal as long as you have something they want. But true loyalty, being there through thick and thin, that’s hard to find. As much as she values the trait she finds it hard to believe she has found it in another lion because she has seen so much false loyalty already.

With the importance she places on loyalty it is probably no surprise to anyone that genuineness follows close behind. In general and especially as a queen she is used to lions not saying what they mean, being evasive and disguising insults or tricks with clever words, pretending to be what they aren’t. Even if she doesn’t like who they really are once she sees it, Khalida would still prefer lions just say what they mean and be upfront about who they are rather than play long guessing games.

I 22: Who does/did this character admire most? Minimum requirement: 233/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida might be hard pressed to choose whom she admires most, not because there are so many lions she admires but rather so few. Her mother and sister are lions she admires very much for different reasons, and if she had to pick just one she might say her sister because she has been with her more throughout her life and seen her strength.

She would have to admit that when they were cubs she underestimated her sister. Because Nthanda was quiet and gentle and tended to do as she was told Khalida thought she needed protecting, or was meek. But her sister was stronger than she realized and as they got older Khalida began to realize that.

Nthanda was quiet but listened to everything said around her, gathering information and keeping track of what she heard. She was quick to pick up useful information that they could use to protect themselves or stay ahead. And despite the harshness their father could show toward her she always seemed to remain calm and collected, not letting him see he bothered her. Her quiet inner strength was something Khalida envied, because while she is strong as well her strength is more vocal and stubborn, often challenging.

And really that’s just the beginning, there are many more things Khalida admires in her sister, some of them the things Khalida wishes she herself could embrace or be.

I 23: Is this character religious/superstitious, do they believe in fantasy or aliens? Or are they based harshly in reality? Minimum requirement: 253/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida is in a position where she cannot deny the existence of magic, so she is very open to things outside of the ‘realities’ she was raised with. She has a particular dislike for what she deems silly superstition though, lions thinking certain things are good or bad luck. It’s a personal matter for her because as a cub she was treated as a curse, bad luck. The superstitious lions of her pride saw her wings as an ill omen or bad mark and the consequences to her were harsh and hard to escape.

But while she dislikes superstition as she knows it, she does embrace magic and the idea of lions with special abilities. As a cub her mother told her tales of magic and said they were true. While Khalida may have doubted it a little at times, she trusted her mother and in time came to see the evidence of it herself.

She and her sister both discovered that they had magical abilities of their own, and during her travels Khalida went out of her way to find more magic, and learn about the different kinds.

Khalida is changing the pride to be one that is accepting of magic and she is never quick to dismiss tales of magic or mythical creatures. Neither she nor the pride has ever really approached it in a religious way though. Since the pride had never really trusted in magic before it has been difficult just to get them to accept it at all.

I 24: Is this character organized or sloppy? Are there exceptions when they may be the other for certain things? Minimum requirement: 210/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida has always been very organized. She likes to keep things where she knows where to find them simply because it makes things easier and more efficient.

She hasn’t been one to panic if things get out of place, or if a few days’ work means there is a mess around for a while, but she is far from sloppy or disorganized in general or given the choice.

Though now that she is queen all the late nights and long days of work have meant there are days at a time where she has parchments, quills, and books spread out all over the place in haphazard fashion. When she is working or in the middle of some very important study or project this is the only time she might really be messy and leave it for an extended period of time. It happens more lately due to her new position but it is not something she likes and she is already trying to employ new techniques to help her keep things neater even when she is in the middle of something. Of course she doesn’t feel comfortable accepting any help with it, preferring to do things herself so she knows exactly where things are and there are no mistakes made.

I 25: What is this character's biggest secret? Minimum requirement: 232/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Probably her biggest secret would be something she found out a long time ago. You see, she was researching because of an odd event that took place in the pride, transporting Khalida, her sister, and a couple other lions to a strange world where there were deities and lions with wings, horns, and unusual colors.

The whole event seemed to take only moments in their time, and yet days in the realm they were sent to. All of it was almost like a dream, forgotten once they got home, so Khalida decided to investigate based on what fleeting memories she had. During her research on other realms she discovered something she considered proof of there being alternate universes, and proof that other realms did indeed exist. And that was when she met a lion who revealed to her how things might have been, for her and her siblings, for their mother and the pride….so many other possibilities some good, some bad. She also discovered some things that had already come to pass, but had been unknown to any of them up until now.

She wanted to share what she had found, but it didn’t take her long to realize that doing so might cause more hurt than good. So for now she keeps her knowledge a close secret, but it still may aid her in her future endeavors if all goes well.

I 26: How does this character cope with sadness? Minimum requirement: 165/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida will seldom admit she is feeling sad even to her family. More often than not she will hide it and keep herself busy, unwilling to let it affect her and wanting to ignore it as best she can.

Part of her hates looking weak or vulnerable to anyone, even to her family though she might eventually relent with them. So she keeps shoving it away, hiding it so she doesn’t have to admit it or feel it.

It isn’t really a healthy practice, since instead of facing it or letting herself feel it then move on she just hides it and it lingers beneath the surface. But truthfully she doesn’t really know how to deal with those kinds of feelings either and isn’t very good asking for help.

Even with her family she won’t usually admit to feeling sad unless they suspect and ask her about it, only then does she feel even a little bit comfortable opening up and telling them what’s wrong.

I 27: How does this character cope with anger? Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

For the most part even when she is angry she can hide it or calm herself, unless it is something very personal or that means a lot to her. Talking to lions on her council and other diplomats who seem to have no idea of the harsh realities of their situation, that is one of those things that makes her angry but she can make herself stay composed through it. If someone were to hurt her family however, or if it were some other family issue she might not handle it so well. It’s not that she cares less about those she cares about so she loses her temper, it’s just that she cares so much that she can’t bear to see them hurting or upset in any way so is quicker to let her anger show in those situations. Her sister has even teased her about it, saying that she herself never needs to be angry because Khalida will be angrier for her than she could ever be on her own.

I 28: How intelligent is this character? Minimum requirement: 163/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida has always been pretty quick to grasp new things and always had a decent amount of common sense about her. She wouldn’t say she was born with an unusually high or remarkable intelligence. Probably about average. But life experiences and studies have certainly added to her intelligence. She is at most times a wise, even cunning ruler, who is quick to think on her paws. When it comes to economics, history, and mythologies she is pretty well read on all of them, and she has also benefited from all of the trips she has taken to other places. But she knows that there is always more one can learn, and she expects that being queen she may learn new things daily. Perhaps things she never would have even considered before. So despite knowing she is well read and certainly not lacking in brains, she is not foolish enough to think she knows everything there is to know or has nothing to learn.

I 29: What is this character's views on change? Minimum requirement: 150/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather

Khalida’s views on change tend to be very specific and change often. She doesn’t view change in itself as a bad thing, in fact even now she is trying to make changes in the pride to make them stronger and better in the future. She knows change can be a necessary and crucial part of life, and there are even changes she would like to see happening in her own family.

But at the same point, after all of the changes they’ve already been through, she just wants some things to stay the same and might even go to some lengths to try to ensure that they do just that.

Though she might not admit it to anyone, some change scares her. She doesn’t like the feeling of knowing such change is inevitable and being unable to do anything to shift its course or prevent it from happening at all.

I 30: How does this character express themselves? Minimum requirement: 155/150 words/flat fullbody drawing Awards: 1 white feather **BONUS** 1-30 prompt set completion: Award: +2 additional bronze feathers after completing I1-I30 (all prompts) for one character *Can be claimed once per character per set completed.

Khalida has never had much trouble with expressing her opinions or thoughts. Though she doesn’t make a habit of speaking without thinking she will speak her mind most times and isn’t afraid of what others might think.

Now that she is queen she tries especially hard to make sure she can express her thoughts clearly and honestly to others.

But when it comes to personal feelings she tends to find it harder to express what she feels or what she really wants to stay. She just isn’t always good at putting those kinds of feelings into words, and sometimes she feels almost unsafe doing so, like it might come back to bite her later somehow.

So while she can usually express her thoughts on almost any other matter with clarity and confidence, when it comes to feelings she will usually opt out of even trying, half the time not even knowing where she would start.

Bronze feather prompts

I(b) 1: What is this character's opinion/experience with love? (Either romantic, familial, or platonic) Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 2: How has this character changed since they were young? Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 3: What is this character's most important relationship in their life? [can be familial, romantic, platonic, ect) Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 4: Create a timeline of this characters life, including at least 4 events and 100 words for each event. Minimum requirement: 1 timeline Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 5: What causes this character anxiety, and how do they cope with it? Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 6: How did this character earn their role in their group? Has it always been their designated place? Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 7: Elaborate about a time this character learned a harsh lesson, or suffered an extreme turning point in their life. Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 8: Write about this character's views on parenthood. What do they think the role of a parent is? do they want to be a parent someday? Do they have a good parental relationship themselves? Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 9: Someone deals a great harm to this character, when confronted, they claim it was an accident. Does your character believe them? How do they respond? Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather


I(b) 10: Write about this character's morality system. What do they see as good, and what do they see as wrong? What is most important at both ends of this spectrum to them? Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum) Awards: 1 bronze feather **BONUS** 1-10 prompt set completion: Award: +1 additional silver feather after completing I1b-I10b (all prompts) for one character *Can be claimed once per character per set completed.

Silver feather prompts


I(s) 1: How does this individual handle regret? What sort of things do they regret? How do they cope with it? At what point would it be too much to bear, or how would they try to alleviate the feeling? Would they go to anyone else about it, or keep it internally? If they're someone who doesn't often regret their actions- why not? What principles do they have that prevents them from feeling guilty or remorseful? Is there anything in particular that would change that or affect them deeply enough to make them feel this way? Minimum requirement: 3250 words, OR 15 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(s) 2: If this individual had the chance to remove anyone from from their group/pride with no consequence, who would they remove and why? How easy would it be for them to come to this decision? How long would they have to think about it to sort it out? If given this option, would they opt out? Would they see themselves as morally justified? Or is it just their own selfishness or ambition talking? Minimum requirement: 3250 words, OR 15 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(s) 3: What is this individual's relationship with their childhood? Do they look upon it fondly or resent it? Do they remember it at all? How did the way they were raised contribute to who they are now? Were there any bad habits that they have now that formed directly as a consequence to their childhood? Minimum requirement: 3250 words, OR 15 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(s) 4: Does this individual prefer honesty, or prefer to hear what they want to hear? Can they handle brutal honesty or do they want people to be nice to them, even at the cost of the truth? Would they prefer to be sheltered or given full view of everything happening? How does this relate to the position they are actually in, and how others treat them now? Do others purposely keep the truth from this individual because they don't think they can handle it? How would they handle the opposite? v Minimum requirement: 3250 words, OR 15 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(s) 5: If this individual was given ultimate power/absolute power, what would they do with it? Would they have good, or selfish intentions? How would they respond to the /news/ of obtaining this power, and what would be their first action? How long would it/could it take for them to be corrupted by their own power? What sort of things would make them a good or bad leader if they had the ability to do whatever they wanted? Minimum requirement: 3250 words, OR 15 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.) **BONUS** 1-5 prompt set completion: Award: +1 additional gold feather after completing I1s-I5s (all prompts) for one character *Can be claimed once per character per set completed.

Gold feather prompts


I(g) 1: What sort of convictions mean the most to this individual? What principles are absolute in their live? What would they die over? What sort of things guide their life predominantly and what led them to having these deep rooted elements of who they are? Are they aware of them, or would they have to be pushed into a corner for these things to come to life? Are they morals that are indicative of their environment/their group or are they personal? What is more important to them than life itself? Minimum requirement: 15000 words, OR 50 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(g) 2: What is this individual "An expert" in? Is it a useful or arbitrary skill? Do they share this skill with anyone else? How has it come to help them, and why did they learn it? Was it intentional or accidental? Is it a secret or well known ability that they have? Is it something they can use daily or is it very situational, and does it impact their life in any major ways? If they aren't an expert in anything- why not? Lack of motivation or drive? Lack of experience? How does not being 'good' at anything make them feel or alter their position in life? Minimum requirement: 15000 words, OR 50 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(g) 3: Is this individual a good student or teacher? Why or why not? Are they able to follow instructions? Are they better at teaching others? Do they lack focus or will to help others? do they have a problem with authority? How has their studious/or nonstudious nature impacted the things they have learned or how they have utilized their skills in their lives? Minimum requirement: 15000 words, OR 50 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(g) 4: If this individual were to pass away suddenly at this moment, what would the rest of their pride/group say about them? What would they say about themselves and their accomplishments (or lack thereof?) What would be their biggest guilts? Their happiest moments? Would they say they had lived a life they were proud of or would they regret not doing more? Say it was a near-death experience: how would they respond when brought back to life? Would they make changes in their life to try and achieve their goals more promptly? Minimum requirement: 15000 words, OR 50 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)


I(g) 5: How does this individual manage their different "lives". What is their routine? How is their social life? Their work life? Their personal life? Their creative life? What is most important or priority to them, and does any other aspects of their life suffer because of that prioritization? What do they wish they invested more time in? What is the most neglected aspect of their life? Do they make a conscious effort to make personal time or time for their family or friends? Do they spend so much time with others that they struggle to be alone? Minimum requirement: 15000 words, OR 50 flat fullbody drawings. (You can add one drawing for any including at least a simple background, and/or add one for additional characters in the drawings Ex: if you do a drawing with 2 characters and a simple background, it counts as 3 drawings.)