Kara (Munch)



4 years, 5 months ago



Name Kara (aka Munch)
Breeding Slots [1 | 2 | 3]
Age Adult
Prompts In Libaray
Orientation Taken
Masterlist #00039
Species Were-cat/Lion
Obtained Gifted
Role The Caregiver (founder)
Designer Sixbane

  • Large edit: Munchkin/short legs


I 02:/ Loyal - Selfless - Caring | X/ Lacks personal ambition - Follower - Self-sacrificing

I 01: Since she was little Kara was the cub that always followed after others and did everything she could to help whoever she stuck to. Her favourite person to follow was definitely her mother who she idolized greatly. She really looks up to women who have a leadership role in a community. Despite being helpful, loyal and willing to do anything for those around her she definitely doesn't see herself ever being in a leadership role. She doesn't feel she's cut out for it and wouldn't even know where to start or how to order people around. Why would she tell others what to do when she could do those things for them? Maybe with the right push she could go into a role that takes on more leadership but for now she is more content being the shoulder to lean on. The caregiver that'll always be there for you. You can count on her.


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I 03: Her mother was like the mountain her home village lived on- Strong and  unmoving she was a pillar in the community. Head of the guards she was  the hero to her little girl Kara, she could do no wrong and was worthy  of both songs and stories made in her honour. So it came to a shock when  fingers were pointed at her village, acquisitions made that they were  monsters who have committed a horrible crime.

They were innocent  though! They were just a small humble village of were-cats who worked  well and got along with the neighbouring villages... least they thought  they did. But mysterious killings in the surrounding area lead to  fingers pointed in their direction. They were called monsters and forced  from the only home they ever knew and chased from their lands. Kara got  separated from her mother as she as told to flee while her mother held  off the attacking villagers. She and the other guards gave their small  group of citizens the chance they needed to flee into the woods, to  shift and blend into the nature they worshipped. They hoped to be  reunited and still cling to that hope as many wander the lands in search  of their lost friends and family.

Kara eventually settled in the  ruins of another destroyed village. One deemed cursed by the locals she  took it as an chance to start fresh in a new unknown land. She doesn't  shift often in order to blend in and appear as normal as possible to any  outsiders she comes across. She hopes to rebuild her home and reunite  with her loved ones, till then she will do all she can to survive.

I 04: Kara is definitely the caregiver of the group, even if co-founder with Kaisa she would never see herself in a role of 'leadership' she doesn't believe she's cut out for that. She is more then willing to let the older and more experienced lioness take on the leadership of their pride. Instead she sees herself as a helper, the caregiver that helps with providing food, taking care of cubs and being a general shoulder one can lean on.She has a strong impact on the well being  of her fellow pride mates by providing company and sharing stories. She  loves to chat with her pride mates happily sharing  stories of her homeland she would even make up stories with the hero being her mother on grand stories. She keeps others hopeful and entertained with her stories and  sometimes songs- though she isn't the best singer even if she likes to  think she is... Best to keep that to the bards instead, sorry little lion.


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Malphas Mate

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Kaisa Mentor/Friend?

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Dani Cub

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Demi Cub

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.