


4 years, 4 months ago


đź•ŠAdohira, the Pacifying Herođź•Š

Name: Adohira

Last Name: Kazuo

Age: 27

Pro-Hero/Agency Owner, and Activist

Also goes by: Ceasefire

Adohira was born into a turbulent and violent home life, and is surrounded by violence in his day-to-day workplace. To say that he detests violence is an understatement. Even if that violence is coming at the hands of Heroes with the intention to save.Though he would never publicly say so, he believes staunchly that the only people truly qualified to be heroes, are those with powers that nullify deviants without harm, such as hypnosis, paralysis, and motion arresting quirks.

Thus, his agency only accepts trainees and heroes who's quirks are non combative in nature. He believes that fighting fire with fire only makes it spread, and will often intercept other heroes deployments, nullifying both hero, and their opposing target in order to keep them from coming to more blows. His quirk doesn't simply negate his targets will to fight, but instead absorbs them physically and disperses them by fighting through the impulses and managing his psyche, often causing the public to see him as a truly angelic figure.

When asked if he can tell the difference between a heroes and villains fighting spirit, he simply says that "they've always felt exactly the same to me."

It's his personal goal to have those with purely combative quirks phased out of training programs entirely, and truly despises those who fight for the fun of it. Because of this obviously, he has a lot of pros who simply can't stand to be around him.

Izumi is his trainees for the mentorship arc, though he'll spend most of his time with his sidekick Elio, (belonging to @squiddydid on insta ) whom he brought in from New York to be his one and only side kick.

He has Grand plans for the world, and he has a certain gorgeous lady serving in the public office who's willing to lend some hands to support the lofty weight of his dreams.

Afterall, the enemy, of his enemy, is his friend....