


4 years, 4 months ago


Goggles-- real name Sir Corduroy von Chesterfield IV-- is an eccentric, adventurous, extremely loyal fellow with a knack for exploring, building, and learning. Goggles believes that it's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks, and he's a very old dog. He speaks very loudly and triumphantly, using very specific, old-timey dialogue.

Goggles has expertise when it comes to anything mechanical. A highly intelligent engineer, he has the means to invent new contraptions, as well as intuit creative solutions to novel problems. Additionally, Goggles spent his early years enrolled in multiple aviation academies, giving him the experience necessary to fly just about anything with wings. That said, he strongly prefers biplane models.

As one might expect, Goggles' veteran age has its downsides. His eyesight is particularly awful, and is worse than blind without his glasses. Similarly, his hearing has worsened thoughout the years to the point where he's practically deaf without hearing aids. Arthritis is another huge pain for Goggles, finding that his joints ache and lock up easily.

Despite his numerous health conditions, "safety" is not Goggles' middle name. He tends to be too adventurous for his own good, often putting himself in harm's way as a result of his curiosity. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat, right old timer?