Higgs's Comments

if I may ask, what is the word on the mug higgs is drinking from?

are you sure that you wanna know?

I'm assuming it's "CUNT" but it could've been like a german word or some abbreviation for something funny 

not it's just "CUNT". Im sorry to burst your bubble.

sall good g you didn't burst nothing   its like my last two xmas pfps where one guy was drinking from a mug labelled "BALLS" and the other "Poisoned" which is currently my pfp on discord atm

okay that is freaking funny.
I love the "Poisoned" one, pffft.

I miss seeing Higgs sm! he has such a cute design ahhhhh

Yoooo really love this guy’s design! The hoodie is especially creative looking!

thank you so much! <3

-slaps ass-


-slaps back-
no u