


4 years, 5 months ago


b a s i c  i n f o r m a t i o n 

title ;; The Gallant Robin Hood (Robin)

nickname ;; Robin

gender ;; Stallion

age ;; 3

breed ;; Mule

role ;; Nomadic

kingdom ;; [N/A]

p h y s i c a l  i n f o r m a t i o n

pattern ;; Chimera 

base coat ;; Blue roan, chestnut, palomino

hoof colour ;; (4) black

eye colour ;; Blue

mane colour ;; Black

markings ;; Primitive markings, bird catcher spots

scars/mutations/etc ;; A long scar going down his chest from a run-in with a bandit

image ;; Art by Mich


passable traits ;; 

- Chimera

- Mule gene

- Most likely infertile

height ;; 17'1 HH

weight ;; 900 lbs


r e l a t i o n s h i p s 

sexuality ;; Gay

dam ( mother ) ;; This Isn't Just Another Love Song (Romance)

sire ( father ) ;; A Man's Pride (Pride)

siblings ;; None

mate ;; [Open]

crush ;; [Open]

offspring ;; [N/A]

e x t r a  i n f o r m a t i o n 

personality ;; Robin, just as his full title suggests, is a sly, cunning fellow. He is best known for stealing and swiping items whilst going unnoticed and then distributing them to others in need. Gentle and with golden moral, although, the very definition of an anti-hero, he carries himself with a sense of pride in what he does. However, even if he does not show it, he would one day like to find the "one”-- his partner in crime-- and is, at the very best, a hopeless romantic at heart. Additionally, he is known for having a sailor's mouth!

scent ;; The gentle smell of early spring

quote ;; “We never rob! We simply borrow a bit from those who can afford it.”

theme song ;; Hall of Fame - The Script

background ;; At an early age, Robin had already been exposed to enough social injustice to last him a lifetime. His parents had been chased out of herd after herd, simply for being an interspecies couple. Eventually, Robin got tired of this constant mistreatment and left his family after he turned one year old, after swearing to take retribution on those who had treated his parents poorly.

After wandering the world for months, he eventually recognised a pattern; those who were rich only ever became richer, and the horses that had little of their own only lost more and more as time went on. Unable to accept this fact, Robin soon made a hobby of taking from the rich and giving to the poor as a means of protesting against the social injustice he had already witnessed too much of.

Nowadays, Robin is known to many as an outlaw, although the rich and the poor have very different opinions on him. While those with privilege view of Robin as an annoying pest, those without them view the infamous mule as a savior and think of him very highly. Robin can commonly be found outside of kingdoms in small groups of nomads, as every figure of authority within the kingdoms is after him in some way. Oops.