~:.Azreal Valline.:~



4 years, 5 months ago


-Quote: ❝I will devour everything you love & cherish.❞

-Name: Azreal Luci Valline

-Nickname(s): Az, Azzy, The Black Death, The Plague.

-Age: Ageless

-Gender: Gender Non-Conforming (He/Him, he has female genitalia.)

-D.O.B.: November 3rd

-Height: 5'0

-Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

-Species: Demon

-Origin: Heliodore, the main kingdom within the pits of hell. It takes up the majority but around its borders is 5 smaller kingdoms protected by walls or elemental shields.

The other kingdoms are:







Each kingdom is ruled by a different person.

-Personality: Azreal is a crude, narcissistic demon who took the throne after his father, Lucifer, died from an angel attack. He's only seen negativity due to the attacks & it projected onto his persona, He doesn't smile, laugh, or anything positive really. 

-Relationship Status: Single

-Mate: --

-Powers: Mercury Poison, a silver, malleable, mercury like poison flows around his body & it can kill mortals if put into their body but burn other demons if touched. But as a catch it internally burns him with each use. He created the plague that killed many people. It's why he's called The Black Death.

-Weapon: He's a weapon all on his own.


*Lucifer Valline (Father/Deceased)

*Lilith Valline (Mother/Deceased)

*Abaddon Valline (Brother/Active)

*Anima Valline (Brother/Active) 

-Voice Actor: --

-Theme: And Your World Will Burn (Cliff Lin)

-Extra Information: 

*His poison constantly floats around him. 

*Wouldn't lay a hand on his siblings but he really doesn't need to since they listen to him most of the time. He's a bit lenient with them but knows where to put harshness on them.