♡ Keidan Kyuzazame



4 years, 8 months ago



Name Keidan Kyuzazame
Meaning Spirit of battle
Gender Male
S/O Single
Status Resurrected
Fandom Multiverse

A mysterious young man who seeks energy in solitude and usually treats strangers with silence.


  • Nature
  • The company of women
  • Silence
  • Smithing


  • Ryo
  • Too much sun
  • Sweets
  • Bathing ducks


Background story (Naruto Timeline)

Previous to the Pre-Shippūden ark of Naruto, a series of small protests, riots and wars caught the attention of the bigger villages. In response, Kumogakure sent out a special elite group who became witness to a mischievous game played by several nukenin: fake protests were started to distract the villagers and thus, give way to their sick plan of abducting children and selling them overseas. Fortunately, a few boats could be stopped, one of them carrying the young Kisho, Keidan and Saiury, who were then brought to Konohagakure where they were given the chance to live freely. Only little is left of their memories of the abduction as they were too young to fully grasp the situation.
In Konoha they were selected to form a team around Harima Ariwasa, a young man who shared a similar past and thus, felt the urge to offer his help and support. Asides from small conflicts, the three of them grew up to be kind and thankful and were granted excellent education at Konoha's Ninja Academy.

While the others graduated from the Academy and became Chunin, Keidan settled for leaving the village as he felt uncomfortable with the idea of becoming a Ninja of Konohagakure.
Previous to his decision, he had earned askant looks from those around him who were disapproving of his inability to concentrate his chakra in order to walk on water or climb trees, leaving him unable to play along. Once merely a shadow of his thoughts, the idea of leaving the village and exploring the world outside became more and more prominent.
The concept of a society prioritizing those in possession of chakra became a sword piercing through his chest and so time passed and after half a year of remaining in the dark, he left, not allowing himself to bid anyone goodbye.
Upon travelling through strange lands on the search for jobs, he found himself in the mysterious hands of Akatsuki, eventually joining forces with them. This way, Keidan was able to further gather experience in forging weapons while simultaneously building up new connections. One day, after having taken note of his excellent work and great potential, Hidan approached him with a deal: He suggested Keidan to join Jashinism and, in exchange for his loyalty, provide him with money to build up a dojo strictly for Nukenin, as well as an armourer, both located close to the village of Amegakure. While Hidan seemed to have taken a liking to the young man, Kakuzu showed a certain antipathy as he believed Hidan had stolen his money to achieve the man's agreement.
In order to fulfill his dream, Keidan eventually joined the Jashinist cult and built his own dojo, finally having enough time to further forge weapons and live according to his liking. He doesn't possess the ability to change into a Grim Reaper-like appearance, however, he finds himself dreaming about it on a regular basis. Could there be a hidden truth to this dreams lingering in the shadows?


01: Toshi, the oldest daughter of the leader of the Yamakami-Clan, is plagued by neverending restlessness ever since she brought dishonor amongst her clan and left it. The fear of other clan members finding her haunts her day by day, which is why she avoids public places and any contact with strangers. Upon meeting Keidan, however, her life took an unexpected turn. Keidan took advantage of her anxious personality, offering her special sealed papers to calm her down - like a drug to make her forget her past and let her enjoy life. In return, Keidan can take her everywhere he wants to in order to have some company while traveling, just being besides him, calm, with nothing but positive thoughts - like his own personal doll.

02: One day, Toshi and Keidan decided to take a break from their travels, using an abandoned hut as a resting place. Unfamiliar with the situation of both of them being completely alone, far from any other human being, Toshi relied on the safety of the far end of the room, leaning on the wall, not once leaving her eyes from the floor. Both did not seem to have a big interest in talking with each other, it was not the reason Keidan brought her with him after all. Still, for some reason, Keidan had found interest in her - a sudden desire to get closer to the little doll he brought along overwhelmed him.
He went up to her and because of Toshis mind being absent from reality, she did not react to his approach - Not until he started to touch her, grabbing her wrist, caressing her cheek and the scar around it with it. For the first time, Toshi looked him straight into the eyes, tears starting to run down her face. For the first time, she demanded him to stop, loud and clear, the echo moving through the whole house. Keidan let her go immidiately and Toshi looked down again, hiding her mouth and her scars with her hand. She was not afraid of Keidan doing anything she did not want him to do, rather, she was afraid of herself, disgusted by the disfigurement in her face. She never wanted anyone else to touch her scars, always being too afraid they'll tell too much, terrified that people will ask where she got them from. Keidan did not need any more words from her to understand what was going on. Toshi kept sinking her hands more and more in her face. It was quite for a while. Then, a few moment later, Keidan told her to look at him. Toshi lifted her head and her eyes widened upon realizing what she was seeing.
Keidan was standing with his bare back to her - which was covered in scars ranging from all sizes. Toshi sat there against the wall, staring at the scars and suddenly she got the urge to stand up and touch them. She studied every scar carefully, running her fingertips around his back - slowly, softly. Keidan did not move. He rarely ever showed his scars to anyone, but he felt like it was an obligation to show her something he was insecure about, as she had to everyday. All of a sudden, past memories hit her. All the anger and despair she hid inside her for all these decades started to burst out. Tears streamed down her face again, then she screamed and started to hit his back - slow and insecure at first, then more violently and faster, yet never enough to severly harm Keidan. With every hit, though, Keidan felt like he could experience what she went through himself. Like pictures of her past flashing before his eyes after every hit. He stood there, paralyzed, one hand on his left chest, feeling the beat of his heart, realizing that he rarely felt that deeply affected in his life. Soon, Toshi came back to herself. After apprehending what she had done, she apoligized, barely understandable, then slipping down on the ground. Keidan sat down as well and Toshi leaned her head on his back - both feeling great relief. They did not need any more words to understand each other. Their scars had already confessed enough.

03: It was nighttime. Toshi and Keidan were sitting on the floor, in the middle of the room they rented for the night. Keidan facing her with his back, cross-legged, looking out the window. It was snowing, the wind was furious, hitting the branches of an old oak tree against the window. His upper body was free from any clothes and he felt the warmth of the fireplace hit his side. His breath, the wind, the branches, the burning wood and then, Toshis fingers softly stroking the scars on his back - everything had a pleasant rythm to it. Toshi was sitting on her knees, tracing the lines of each and every scar that adorned him. They have been doing this for a while now. So long that Toshi had bruises on her knees from sitting on them for such a long time, but she didn't notice them. Her warm fingertips, sometimes her knuckles, kept brushing up and down his back in sync with his breath which put both of them in some kind of trance; it was the kind of intimacy they couldn't have with anyone else. Some scars were visibly older than others, but there haven't been any new ones in a while. Still, each time Toshis fingers moved from one to the other, she felt a mild spark. Both of them used those times to think rather than talk. They always felt like the scars were expressing enough anyway.
But tonight would be different.
Toshi started to observe the room. It was empty except for a bed, a table and the fireplace. Some of Keidans scrolls and papers were on the table that Toshi neatly placed next to each other. It almost looked like the branches outside were grasping for them. The calmness within her made her smile faintly. Then she closed her eyes. Upon opening them, the room faded into darkness as if she was transferred to a different reality. It was quiet. No wind, no branches, no fire, no breathing. The corners were dusty, small spiders were crawling on the scrolls and there was a chill coming down from where the fireplace should be. Her gaze turned towards Keidan again. His skin was pale, the papers normally covering his body nowhere to find. Instead, there were strange symbols and letters in red ink in their place. She couldn't see his face from this angle, but she could still watch red smoke escape his eyes. She felt his skin burning through her fingertips. And then he started to twitch, slowly turning her head to her. Unable to move, her breath became irregular. She was able to see his eyes being soaked in red before she blinked again - everything now being how it was before, finding imidiate comfort in his green eyes. Toshi still didn't realize that she stopped moving, stopped caressing his back, which is why he was looking at her in the first place, slowly turning his body towards her. He studied her face, trying to find out what was going on. She tilted her head, the smile from her face long gone. She didn't feel the heat of the fireplace anymore and there was a sudden, sharp coldness searching its way up her body. It made her shudder. Keidan looked towards the bed, stretching himself to reach a blanket, but before he could put it down on her shoulders, she started to move, crawling on his lap and sitting down, burying her face in his neck. He stopped moving, his eyes widened. Them being this close to each other was rare, Toshi initiating that closeness even rarer, but she had the sudden urge to grasp unto him, because she just realized that he might not be by her side forever, but until then, she needs him more than anyone else.
They put their arms around each other and the familiar warmth came back again.



Kisho  [ Brother ]



Toshi  [ Soulmate ]



Kamiko  [ Daughter ]



Kitai  [ Son ]



Kamimi  [ Daughter ]



Kuma  [ Daughter ]



Kishin  [ Daughter-figure ]



Kohana  [ Dealer ]


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